@Brad Kaufmann Looking at your buck again i threw approximate numbers out added quick in my head and came up with 122-4/8. H measurements avg. 3-7/8 G’s Right 3.5 , 3.5 , 8 ,2 G’s Left 3.5 , 3.5 , 9, 2 Main beams 20,20 Spread 17-4/8 its so hard to tell from pictures sometimes though. Dont sweat it. Just put down what you come up with. Im betting its plus or minus 2”. 120-125.
checked my camera this weekend. This might be one of the biggest bucks I ever had on camera. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Looks about right where I have it too. But like you said pics are so hard to judge, especially the mass measurements.
score one for team 10. Made it out about 4:00 with my nephew. Bumped 3 does walking in and shortly after scored on a small buck. I'll get him posted soon.
I trust them if New or inspected. Id never put blind trust into one that has been out all year. The straps themselves are rated at such a high tensile strength that if removed after season and stored properly and inspected for damage would never be a problem. But if left out permanently would definitely put a backup ratchet or camlock strap on. Doesnt hurt to add another anyway. Those squirrels will chew on anything. UV rays dont help either.
He was in his stand about 200 yards away. I'm glad he was there though. It was a long drag starting with a big hill. I would still be out there (probably waiting on an ambulance) if he wasn't. He has had a great year, Senior year of football they went undefeated and won the first round of playoffs. Ended up getting moved up a class or 2 and lost out to Byron in the second round. He is a great kid and I hope he gets something this weekend.
I'll be out for a few hours tomorrow afternoon and Saturday and Sunday. Temps will be low in teens high in the 30's Plan is to hunt a scrape stand that's been getting a lot of action in the morning and hunt food plots in the evenings unless camera intel tells me different. It's also youth firearms season this weekend, just a heads up for the Ohio boys on the team.
I will be out shotgun season this weekend. It’s going to be freezing cold tomorrow. Not sure if the big drop in temp will get them moving or make them lay down Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Only saw a couple fawns this morning. Something is wrong with my back. If this pain doesn't let up, I may be done hunting.