Nothing seen tonight, was only in stand for the last two hours of daylight. Left my stuff in the tree going back to the same spot in the morning.
Awesome job! Congrats! Looks like a 10 pt. Can't really tell by photo, but he looks to be pretty wide. Ohio buck? Looking forward to more pics and story!
Thanks, IL 10-pointer! Same buck I've sent pics of before. I'll put a tape to him tonight, any guesses on score???
You guys were right! Hunting the new property was the right call today. I only saw 2 does and a forky, but there is all sorts of buck activity going on at night. What's my strategy now? Do I just post up on this ridge all day every day and hope for a hot doe?
@airenlow Thats what you need to bring those nocturnal mofo’s your way in the daylight. I always worry about blowing them out going in early when they are so nocturnal like that. Ideally cell cams would tell you when to move in.
If you know travel routes of doe's to feeding/bedding areas, set up on the best travel routes you can find. I know a lot of people make sets for specific bucks, but I make sets for does. I find the heaviest/most trails in a particular area and that's where I put my stands. Been working great for me for many years.
The property is only 25 acres. Food is on the neighbor South of me and bedding is on another neighbor to the North. I have the ridge that connects them and am set up in a small oak flat. I usually just sit and wait...
Best property I ever hunted was a 15 acre parcel. As far as the land itself it had nothing. However, it was the major crossing area for food and bedding. Three major trails ran through that property. Stand placement was a no-brainer. Had a stand on all 3 of those major trails. Killed a ton of does on those trails not to mention quite a few bucks to go along with them. One of those bucks was my 166 drop tine I took out on opening day last year.
I’ll say 119 3/8. You tried to grow the extra 5/8 but it didn’t pan out! Sent from my iPhone using Forums