Val Kilmer is here! The party can start. I wasn’t worried about Antoine checking in. I checked profiles, just wanted to make sure everyone got around to it
I was a captain once before but I do not mind doing it at all. Also, I enjoy a WhatsApp chat or any other platform. Easier to stay in touch that way and get notifications. bowhunt and I did the same thing last year on a WhatsApp page. Our team page dropped off and we chatted on the other platform.
Welcome, I have been thinking the last couple years it would be cool to.try to kill a pope and young whitetail in as many states as possible. I have to kill my first one first though. This is the year it all starts I know it. Never been more prepared spot wise and scouting wise. We will see.
I'm thinking, but struggling coming up with something. Never been a strong suit of mine for creative names.
Sorry but I've had the birth of my first grandchild and it's been a tough start for the little guy. So I've been dealing with that!!
My mission this morning was to at least give us some options. See anything you like? 10ng shots Perfect 10 10 Tines 10 Point Rack Attack 10 Point Killers Pass Thru Crew Team Double Lung Venison Villians Arrow to Fork Field to Fork Just here for the Backstrap Broken Arrow Red Arrows Big Buck Down! Sent from my SM-G996U using Tapatalk