I was out scouting tonight and watched three bucks, two of which were huge 10 pointers walk through a crp field. I am definately hyped about getting out in the morning! The bow is sighted, the bloodrunners attached, the scentlok is clean and I'm gonna have trouble getting to sleep tonight! Good luck everyone!
Went to my stand in the oak grove this morning. Got there at 5:00 AM and the oak tree my stand is in was surrounded by deer. They ran off was the flashlight got close but returned after I was in the tree. Saw tons of does, but no bucks. Until all the acorns fall, I think that stand will be an evening stand only.
Pretty slow this morning in my neck of the woods. Just a couple a does and fawns this morning. Atleast hunting season is upon us. Will be getting at it all weekend. Best of luck to to you all. Keep us updated!
I'm headin out here in a few minutes for my first hunt of the year. I decided to skip my last class so that I could make it home in time to get a sit in . If a doe makes the mistake of coming too close to my stand she will for sure be getting an arrow stuck in her. Good luck to all of you hunting this weekend as well, and I'll be sending out a text regardless of bdd or bbd.
Leaving work and headed home to get the last minute items ready for in the morning. I'll try and check in Sunday!
VA opener was Saturday, morning was beautiful but uneventful, the evening was awesome. Ground hunted in a half cut cornfield and had multiple encounters with some 50 pointers(yearlings and one small doe) and a spike. Had deer literally 5 yards from me multiple times around 4:00-5:00. They were tiny and I was sure I would see some bigger deer by dark but nothing ever showed. Huntng the same spot tomorrow or Tuesday evening depending on the weather and I will probably plug any non-antlered deer that comes by. Really neat to hunt them on the ground like this, don't get the oppurtunity much since the corn is usually cut by now. The farmers made about a 30 yard pass around the field and I just set up within the first few uncut rows. Might use my recurve as I've been trying to kill one with it the past couple seasons. Good luck everybody.
Sounds like you had a good time. I had 3 does tonight w/i shooting range. First was year old and small. Second was a mature doe and when I drew back on her, a fawn who had to recently lose it's spots walked out next to her. I let her walk.
I saw nothing Saturday morning and didn't hunt the evening. Sunday was a different story though. I saw seven deer total, four doe and three bucks; one of them was a shooter. Couldn't close the deal on a doe. I had a couple at thirty yards but there was a little brush in the way and I didn't want feel comfortable with the shot.
I only got one sit in this weekend and saw one deer, which was a pretty decent 8-pointer. He wasn't quite what I'm looking for though so hopefully he makes it through the year and can be a book level buck next year.
Weekend totals for me. I saw 6 deer Fri evening. 2 Sat morning, 1 Sat evening. None yesterday, but I did see a skunk yesterday morning and evening.
Getting ready to head out for tonights hunt. We have a NW wind at 7-10 mph. Sunny and 58 degrees. I know just the set I will be sitting in tonight. Conditons feel good. Good luck to any of you that will be headed to the woods tonight.
Decided to cut out of work early today guys. Going to leave in a couple minutes and head to the stand!
Got to hunt with my dad Friday and Saturday so that is always a plus. We went to our farm near Dinwiddie, VA and I was luck enough to find a volunteer. Acorns are dropping like rain so I set up in a clearing that is between an oak bottom and an old grassy field that has oaks dropping around the edges. Shortly after 5, three deer came out of the oak bottom headed through the clearing toward the field. The lead doe hit my shooting lane and it didn't end well for her(see below). Thank you Grizz Trick, 50 points for us. Go TEAM 10! Yeah I'm reppin our team with some make shift Team 10 gang signs. jk The 3rd pic shows the clearing and the woods with the oaks right above the roof, the clearing wraps around the old shed to the left and the second pic shows me turned 180, the grassy field and other woodline is straight out in front where the sun is shining just past that lone beech tree. The last pic is from deer level and you can see my arrow stuck in the ground at the bottom of the pic(orange fletch).
im done hunting for a few weeks. mangled a finger in an accident. dr says 2 - 3 weeks and MAYBE I'll be able to hunt.