We set my sons new to him bow up this evening. Had the shop put on a new d loop, adjust the DL, put in a new peep,paper tune and chrono'd it. He only charged us $20 lol. Dylan was drilling the bullseye at 20 yards and then held his own against me at DART. He really loves the bow, we'll shoot BH's with all weekend and next week, then its hunting starting next weekend for us.
Well, season opens up for several of us this upcoming Friday. It'll be here before we know it! I'm probably only going to be able to hunt in the mornings because I have to work Saturday and Sunday afternoons unfortunately.
I'm still covered up in black bears, Tuesday evening saw another decent sized one with my son with me, when I tried to spook him away when he got to the bottom of the stand he just stared at me and all the hair stood up on his neck/back(pucker moment). Had I been by myself I probably wouldn't have worried about it much but I had my 8 year old with me and it made me uneasy as generally the bear act skittish but this one acted very territorial/curious. I promptly handed the camera over to my son and felt better with my bow in hand even though I don't think I could really shoot one unless I absolutely had to. He eventually ran off about 40-50 yards (after yelling, growling, barking at him) but he still never left completely, he just stood there staring at us. I have now added an old rubber blunt tipped arrow to my quiver to prevent any such hesitation on the bears part. I would like to kill one when the season comes in but this area doesn't let you harvest them even during season. After about 4 minutes the footage is crap because my son tried to zoom in on him. The commentary is funny throughout, you can probably tell I don't really like being close to bears. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYqO2g29KlE
Still on lockdown fellows for another week - then will be back at it hard still have 12 vac days as well as Sat/Sun but considering another job at work all depends on the $$$ but shouldn't impact the hunting time either way - starting to get anxious been awhile since been on a stand and ready to get back out
take your time pick and spot and drop em - best of luck guys - temps have really dropped here soooooo sooner i can get out the better Going to try some roadbed and logging roads always full of scrapes but will be good to observe and fine tune for bullwinkle
Scrape activity is heating up here as the temps go down. My son killed a big old buck last night for his youth season tag. 220 lb. 8pt that had 5" bases. Nice mature deer for a young man and we were both really excited. He was working a scrape at 6:45pm when he shot him. I will post up pics in the water cooler tomorrow. Good luck all, I start on Friday.
Couldn't call him off. sorry. lol I have posted pics in the water cooler forum for those interested. Take care and go team!
Highs in the low 60's this weekend for the opener, lows in the upper 30's. I'm shooting something! :D
Alright guys, I had extremely low expectaions this year due to losing my local hunting spot and not being able to afford out of state license. But, I check my trail cam today from my 42 acre family owned place and BAM!!!! I'm pumped to say the least! The only deer picture I've gotten in a month of TC pics!
My season starts tomorrow. I might get out after work for awhile, but I'm definately going Saturday morning and evening. We have near perfect weather (for this time of year) with highs in the low 60's and upper 50's.