That first bear was catching my scent, the wind was funny all morning but in the clip when I'm talking you can see my breath blow in the direction he was, he definitely knew something was up. In the later clip those two bear were wrestling around for a while and I cut off the video to try and get some regular pics of them. They seemd juvenile so I figured I'd squeal at them too to see if they would get curious and come down the path for a close pic. No dice, as soon as I squealed at them one of them took off into the woods and the other stood there for a bit then he took off as well. No deer but man that was fun. Talk about coinsidence, last night my wife and I were watching Nat Geo and a show called Hunter and Hunted was on and it was all about bears and the naturalists who study them, anyway a couple of them end up getting killed by the bears they were studying. One was a Russian guy and the other they mentioned was that guy Treadwell(or something like that). So I watch that, fall asleep, wake up go hunting where there is a good population of black bear. Walk in in the pitch black in some overgrown bushhogged trails and arrive at one of the big wooden stands they use on this property. The stands are big but are tucked in nicely with lots of brush, trees, vines, etc around them and they have been there for years. As I'm climbing up I notice claw marks on lots of steps and the platform. There are vines and these little things that look like mini banana clusters all over as well. Despite the bear sign actually on the stand I was still stoked because the stand really blended in and the area looked better than the last time I was in there, then sure enough shortly after light that first bear comes down towards me. It was all good, the bear in this area are generally very skittish so even though I watched the sketchy bear show last night I wasn't really worried I just found it kind of ironic/funny. I'm just glad that first bear didn't get pissed because I'm pretty sure I was in his nap spot.
Good stuff NEW I check the camera yesterday after being up for a week and a half. Apparently I forgot to turn in on. So I re-set it. Going to head in there on Sunday and put up a buddy's stand and do a little brush trimming, after the Cowboys game of course
The search for a new bow for my oldest son has ended. We found a Reflex Gamegetter 50-60lb 27-30 in draw, new strings and cables, d loop and rest at AT for $80 shipped. :D He sent me 6 pics of it, looks very nice. I sent the $$ last night, I hope we get it soon so he can practice with it alot before season opens. I hated that he broke the limb on his Browning, he was really dialed in with it. In other news, we did some glassing last night. Saw 5 bucks in a field near where we hunt, no velvet, one shooter. He was pushing 135, nice buck. I'm going to set up the cameras this weekend and see whats roaming my place.
The base I hunt in NC only allows hunting on T, TH, and Sat so I'll be heading out this evening. Got skunked on Saturday deerwise so depending how this evening goes I may have to scout a little on Sunday. There are lots of beans but the numbers I have been seeing before dark have dropped so I'm thinking they may be staging in some oaks nearby then hitting the beans later. The oaks here are random and it only takes one or two to be producing to change the deers patterns significantly. Have a NC gamelands stamp and have a piece to hunt everyday just have to secure permission to park at a nearby church as there is 0 road access and no parking areas. My sons grandparents attend and the Pastor is real nice so hopefuly it's a lock.
Hey fellas hunted hard for 3 days Took two does 1 Sat afternoon and 1 Yesterday morning Will get photos posted soon and got to catch a plane this afternoon so most likely will not be able to get the photos until this weekend
Way to get our team started. I'd go out and put one down right now if I could, but that would be poaching since our season doesn't open until 10/1.
Thanks fellows - will get the pics up soon so we can claim our 50 seen 15 deer total in 5 sits - 2 bucks one basket racked 6 point and a goofy deer - had a long cowhorn on one side and the other was growing out of the side of his head and curled up under his chin - would make a unique mount so was tempted - got three nice bucks running around and I get two tags - so going to hold out for a big boy - I am at the point if I shoot a buck I will get it mounted if not worth mounting not worth shooting -
Do any of you guys have texting, and if you do would you be interested in exchanging numbers? In prior competitions I always exchanged numbers with people that were interested so we could let each other know if we were seeing much, as well as letting everyone know when we have a deer down. Just somethin I thought I'd bring up, and if you're interested send me a PM with your name and number and I'll get a list together to send to everyone.
Good job Frank, Team 10s on the board. Anyone remember the winning score last season, just curious. It was 90 degrees yesterday and again I saw zippo but I'm not too discouraged yet. The place I'm hunting tends to be feast or famine, I'm hoping it's turns to a feast soon. I'm down with texting, I like the "From the Stand" thread on the main page, that seems pretty cool too.
For anyone whos got a buyers club membership at Sportsmans Guide, the stand is solid with a nice sized platform I own many of these and the sticks as well. $62 for a 20 ft climbing stick and a sturdy stand, you can't beat that with a bat.(without a buyers club membership the set will cost you about $70. Coupon codes can be found online for $10 off shipping, $10 off orders over $100, $10 off for club members. These ones might still work: SN243, SN295