After this year there may not be a team that will have me. lol I cant stay lucky forever man. All this smack talk and I'll probably do well to see a fawn. What are the duties of the team captain and how much does it pay? lol
I don't think team captain comes with any duties really haha. All you have to do is make sure that teammates make sure to post their kill with two pictures and a score on the kill thread.
Fletch for captain sounds good to me too,. Team names, seems like that's getting harder each contest. Whitetail Warriors Buck-busters(who ya gonna call?) Rack Attackers lol...I'll try to put some more thought into this and post up later.
I like Buck-busters if it hasnt been used. Looks like everyone has checked in and is ready to roll. Good luck all!
I'm gonna slip out and check a couple of trail cams, if I have anything interesting I'll post it up later. I've been checking in a bunch just not logging in but NC bow season starts Saturday and I'm super anxious to go so I should be posting more often. But in all honesty I'll probably only sit a few evening sits in NC because I still have quite a bit of work here to be ready for the VA Oct. 2 bow opener. I do most of my hunting in VA and just got behind on what I wanted to get done since last season ended.
I have a virgin spot that I'd like to put a stand in, but it's really difficult to access and it's a bedding area for bucks and does. Haven't figured out how to get in and out without making too much noise. The only access I have is through a creek with really steep banks (80 degree +). Will post pic shortly.
Area in red is high fence w/no deer (only coyotes). Black dot is only access. Orange areas are known bedding areas. Blue lines are deer trails out into the CRP to the South. Only area I have to hunt on this property is the Southeast corner within the yellow lines.
Hey guys, just got back from the last family summer vacation. September is here now, and its the final count down. I will be hunting th early doe season in MI Sep.16-20, Ohio archery opener Sep. 25&26, then back to MI for the archery opener on Oct. 1. I will also be in Ohio for the last week of October. As for the name of our team, BuckBusters sounds good to me. Also, just to throw another on out there, I like the sound of TEAM DOUBLE LUNG.
Iowa season does not open until October 1st. Unless we're having terrible weather, I'll be out there.
I don't start up until October 1st as well. Planning on putting down an early season doe like I did last year hopefully, then really start focusing on some good buck spots.
We get started on Oct 2nd. Going to check the camera this week I put up last week on my new spot. I've got a couple buddys who said I can shoot a doe off of their place so hopefully I'll be able to at least get us 50 points
fletch sounds good for captain and the name is fine - our season opens Saturday and hoping to make it out at some point - should be able to put a doe down early - good luck fellas
May your arrows fly straight and may the Lord watch over you and bring you home safely from every hunt.