Nice job Matt! Well my job hasn't hindered my hunting so far. I have been out 3 times and have seen deer every time out. Since working at bass pro I talk with a lot of people and actually got access to 2 different farms to hunt. I'll be going out this weekend a bunch so hopefully I can put some points on the board.
Well guys, I went out tonight and shot my first turkey with a bow that I recovered. If you check my thread on the other site it didnt really stand a chance if you see the pics. Well im going to the same stand tomorrow night to hopefully get a deer this time.
Well guys I added 96" to our total this weekend. Pics are up in the official score thread. I know Matt/PA will be adding some antler too. I should be able to put 50 more points on the board shortly with a doe. I've had them around me all season, but held off so I didn't mess up my spots. All fair game now.
Yep I just put mine up on the Official Score sheet. Another 118 6/8" for Team 10. He has a 125" frame but is a little high and tight rather than wide and the 1" left brow tine sure didn't help! LOL In any event I like him ALOT.
Well after Greg's 163" monster it looks like all any of the remianing 3 guys needs to do is whack a doe and we're in first place (if my math is correct and there aren't any other entries missing?) Think backstraps fellas........yummy 50pt backstraps.
Oops! I forgot to post a pic here but maybe you saw them on the regular forum. I entered the score last night. Good luck guys!