Theres no stopping me now :p This is the 4th Shed in the last 3 days in the new spot im looking at between me and Dalton. We jumped a VERY LARGE BODDIED DEER that had no head gear. I mean this thing was heavy Another old one but I wish I could have seen it before it got chewed up. It looks like it came off a 2.5 from the size of the base but it has some thick wild palmentation going on about where the G2 is.
Great job, Danno! Slow and steady, bro. Sooner or later, you're going to run into another big boy. It's just a numbers game. I picked up 3 today, one pretty nice one (old). 56" Nontypical - 9 scorable points. Obviously, it's old... And I've never seen nor heard tales of this buck, so who knows where he's at or what has became of him. The other two were scrubby, and not worthy of glamour shots. SHEDOMETER = 21
I picked up two today. A little 3 pt in a turnip foodplot and a small 4 pt. laying in the timber. I was lazy today and seldom got off the 4 wheeler. Unfortunately, someone had trespassed on another one of my properties where I usually find several.
congrats guys, I wish I could get out, but with my wife on bed rest still, things will come slow for me...
I took my first skunking of the year on Sunday morning. We pulled out at 5:30 a.m. and commuted almost 2 hours to the woods, only to drive headlong into a narrow band of snow/sleet/freezing rain that dumped 1 inch of fresh slop in the last 30 minutes of our drive. Everything was buried and/or coated with wet, sticky snow and ice. Everything on the forest floor looked like black and white glaring clutter, and my eyes were having none of it. We mailed it in early, cut our losses and went home. Mother Nature may have won the battle, but I will win the war. This will be a 40 shed season, if I have to walk the soles of my boots off. It's primetime, fellas. Let's hound 'em out and win this thing. SHEDOMETER = still stuck on 21
Nice finds guys. Been a bit slow for me. Between marathon trianing and the crappy weather, I haven't had much time to hit the parks. And the last time i did was a bust, despite finding some really heavily used areas.
Made it out for a few hours today. Lots of walking, lots of very high deer areas, but only one little forky shed. But i did find a nice little gerber pocketknife, pretty much brand new looking.
Well guys I have not been able to put in near as many miles as I normally do this season. Timing is everything and we happen to be in a big outage at work and im working 7 days a week some 10 hr days. Im making money hand over fist but id rather be sheddin I still want to at least make one full day trip to KY for some bone hunting. Might just taka a day off especially for that
Still workin 10 hr shifts,,,dont know about the weekend yet but im taking Monday off. I think ill head to Ky for an all dayer.
good luck dan, wife is still on bed rest but will be out of her medicine by the weekend, which means the baby will be coming very soon...
Thanks man I appreciate it, we weren't expecting this to happen too us, since we have already been through enough this past year, but that's life... Everything should work out though. I am do to get out and get some fresh air hopefully one of these days!
Ryan: Sounds like you're about to be a poppa sometime real soon. Good luck to you and your wife. Grizz - nice finds. That skull looks to be carrying some nice mass. 5x5? Really burry looking fella. I went out this weekend and got skunked for the second time in a row. My areas have officially been picked clean. I'll be lucky to come up with 5 more.
found another one messing around out at the in laws, just a little 3 point chewed up. looks like one from last year. makes 2 big ones for me so far!!!