I'm Hoping this guy made it through. I haven't seen him yet 300lb Deer on the hoof http://http://www.youtube.com/user/Soloarcher#play/uploads/18/I3-_bDbq8WQ
Nice deer Well I spent 6-7 hours on the lease in Anson -Saturday found one fresh pile of chit, to say I am a little disappointed and discouraged is an understatement. Another guy on the lease has been there 6-7 years and says he has not ever seen this lack of sign There is a huge standing cornfield bordering the property but I can't hunt the edges - do you think a large portion of deer are bedding in the corn ???
Could be Frank. I'm in the same boat this year, most of the properties I hunt is in corn this year, and its going to be a late harvest.
Hey guys, Like Caleb, I've been real busy. I'm a junior at St. Cloud State University here in MN and I'm trying to get back into the swing of things!! Right now, I'm pretty concentrated on bear, the season starts tomorrow, and I'll be driving back to hunt tomorrow evening :D However, I did set 3 trail cams this weekend (I know I'm behind). And you all probably know about my real target buck "dagger".
I have a cousin and a buddy that just got back from Ontario where they hunted black bear. My cousin shot one a little under 300lbs and my buddy shot one 525lbs.
Dam it. I was supposed to be heading to ND for a bowhunt on the 11th but the friend I was going with can't make it now and he is the one with access to the land. We might get out there later in the season but he has a lot of other hunts sceduled this fall so it's uncertian at this point? It looks like I will just be waitng for the MN opener now (Sept 19th).
Dave- yeah think it may be a tuff season but have a few avenues to try Kyle stick a biggun and stay committed with school
Man 10.5 days until season opens and I wake up to temps in the low 60s and not even suppose to hit 80 today. I step outside at lunch and there is a nice steady breeze and mid 70s. I'm so ready!
I got the avatar changed boys, and i also got both my cameras out. The main feature on my main hunting grounds in roughly 15 acres of Alfalfa spread out into 4 fields that surround a pond. I have my Cuddeback on a trail leading to one of the fields, and i have my Stealth cam along the side of another field. Its time to see what deer stayed/moved in...and are just passing through. A few weeks from now and i should have a good idea.
I may have gotten access to another 5 acres - not much but it is in the right place and deer funnel through there - best part it is less than 5 miles from my place so would be ideal for afternoons afterwork - going to check it out this weekend
I can't get the new avatar to load, keeps telling me that its not a valid file?? Spent last night assembling my dads crossbow. Ever try stringing a 150lb xbow w/o a bow press? That was fun. Anyway, its together and working. He shot it a few times, we are doing the fine tuning tonight.
How did you try loading it? Did you save it to your hard drive and try to load? Or did you try and use the link?
Try uploading it using this url. Just copy and paste it in Option 1 on the Edit Avater on your User CP. http://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee1/mgh-pa/freakdaddywoods-1.jpg EDIT: This forum shortens the URL so you'll probably want to click on it and open the link in a browser then copy the url out of the address line in your browser and then paste it as previously mentioned.