Welcome Spacman, glad to have you. Breaking news fellas, I shot my bow last night! :D I'm starting to get the fever, plan on shooting some tonight.
Hey team one, I noticed nobody has come into your thread to trash talk ya'll. Is there anything I can get you ladies before the season starts...little umbrella drinks, diet pills, tush warmers with lace, cosmetics, et al? Shoot, if ya'll want, I can get my pals on team 14 to come out and build ya'll nice comfy heated shooting blinds...We're here to help! LOL.... Best of luck Team One! Knock em dead!
I think it's because most teams are very intimated by us and are afraid to even open our thread. Good to see that someone finally had enough courage to smack talk us a bit.
Darn Dave, Are you always that easy? I'll get after the guys and see if we can get those in before December... Seriously, best wishes Team One!
7 pages long, and finally someone ventures to the lair Hows it going buddy - like the shooting house idea but make the roof and windows wide so I can bowhunt outta em
If doesn't get cold enough here in Illinois to need the heated shooting house! I took 2 does stalking last year when it was 25 degrees with a 20mph wind and it snowed 4 inches in 3hrs while I was in the woods. The most fun I've ever had in my 8yrs of hunting. I like the extreme weather.
Two weeks from Saturday will be up a tree and hoping to smack a doe or two on the opener- may head down to the lease tomorrow and do some additional scouting - have a few areas I want to check out - then it is hurry up and wait - will wash and store the clothes and ready to rock and roll - got as good a chance as anyone this year - but like our confidence and we are spread out throughout the US
How many Team 1 Members have Trail Cams out and if you do. Lets see those Hits list Bucks. Here are a few of mine. http://http://www.youtube.com/user/Soloarcher#play/uploads/1/GsHLVjO4bLg
I have a couple trailcams out but the area they are in is mainly a doe area. So I have TONS of doe pics and 2 small 1.5 year olds. If I get a buck out of this area it'll have to be during the rut. I actually bumped a big buck when scouting some public land last weekend. He is who I will be after now. He was a nice 8 point...well nice for this area anyway. :D
I haven't purchased one yet? But thinking bout it - problem is I have to drive 50 plus miles to hunt - so risk of theft concerns me But yeah wanna see some buckos as well -
Sorry i haven't been participating brothers, school started, im working 40 hours a week and i have a new girl...but my heart still belong in the woods... Hit list? Teh main target:
Its the wrong time of year for alot of things You guy will still get 100% in the woods, dont worry :D