going to go make my first attempt at a food plot tomorrow morning - hopefully it takes Kinda small and secluded and going to try and save it for a rut stand Also painted another 15ft ladder yesterday afternoon - going Sunday up to another 40 acres and trying to find it a home So we officially freak daddies - now we just need to put a few in the dirt
I'm checking a camera in my honeyhole tomorrow am. Plan on bringing the wasp spray to nuke those little suckers, then move the stand to a funnel area. Hope this is the killing stand.
Yep glad you mentioned that need to pick-up some bug spray- I am ready getting antsy to be in the woods - hopefully your cam has something good on it
Me and Isaac prepped 3 of our double setups yesterday. We will be putting them out in the next couple weeks. Expect many pictures when i hang them. I will be checking the cameras either tomorrow or Sunday, depending on how much time i have. BTW, love the name :D
Oh sweet cabbage. If you don't drop one of those pigs, you are dead to me.:D That is a stud. Good luck bud, hope you drill him.
So boys, what your pledge for this year? Im almost positive i can get a doe (50 Points), and, If i shoot a buck, its going to be at least 120", hopefully bigger if i can play my cards right. Im not aiming for anything under that mark, unless its an 80" one sided 3.5 year old Its not entirely impossible for me to put over 200 points on the board this year either :D
well kinda of a perplexing weekend - checked the spots I have 3 ladders - sign is almost nonexistent - but back in May all three spots loaded with tracks and poo now nada - they have planted corn in the bordering fields and thinking maybe they are bedding in the corn Check other areas no acorns - not sure what what the deer will be consuming for food - the gun hntung club bordering us slaughtered them last year 40 plus does and 30 something bucks - back to the drawing board Check 40 acres today - no acorns and difficult terrain to hunt - but staying optimistic and didn't get the ladder up - made the trip but forgot the support bar - brainiac move number one of the season I say we use the pic for our avatars - killer photo
Better luck next time, That mature 12 point above is the 1st mature buck i have pics of since early May....but that doesnt scare me at all :D
And for good luck, i changed my avatar to my only archery buck for the first time since i can remember. This is the year to end my streak and get it done, i can feel it! And i have always said that confidence is everything in the deer woods.
Definitely the right attitude to have - I am a little discouraged due to lack of overall sign - but still optimistic will make the necessary adjustments and have a great season
I'm as close to certain as someone can be that I'll put a doe down. Since I do not have any bigger bucks on the cam from the private land I hunt, I'm going to have to get one on public land. So I say I can get 125-150 total for the team.
I don't have a doe tag as they are not being offered in my zone this year. My archery tag will be good for buck OR doe but I am certianly not ending my hunting season by killing a doe unless it is towards the end of it. Realistically I am hoping to bag a 120+ buck. But there are some bigger ones around.
I hope to add 190-200pts, 50 for the doe and hopefully 140+ for the buck. The buck all depends on my work schedule. I'm a contractor and work has been very slow so if the work is coming in hunting may have to wait. My plan is to take off Nov 9-12.
Well back to the drawing board this Sunday - heading back down, going to check 1/2 dozen spots I located on an aerial last night - hopefully some good sign - 3 of em look like ideal funnels - see how it looks and go from there Bow is drilling tacks out to 40 - extremely confident in sealing the deal - just have to determine new patterns 23 days and counting