2 days ago i had this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqCp6YhY6gI ...and tonight i saw a doe and 2 fawns. Its getting close here. 32 deer on 13 hunts, 16 does, 6 fawns, 3 bucks, 7 unknown, 2 shots, 1 kill
Starting to see some bucks in the evenings while driving home from work. I'll be hitting it hard again this weekend.
Sat monday morning, and didnt see a thing. Im going to move that stand and 2 more tommorow afternoon after i hunt in the morning. My trail cams havnt been doing too well either. 32 deer on 14 hunts, 16 does, 6 fawns, 3 bucks, 7 unknown, 2 shots, 1 kill
Sat Saturday night, saw a 6 point buck and a doe, no shots, Sat this morning, and saw a flock of turkeys and another 6 point. 35 deer on 16 hunts, 17 does, 6 fawns, 5 bucks, 7 unknown, 2 shots, 1 kill
I was not able to get out hunting this past weekend, too many family obligations. Will be back at is Fri (all day sit) and Sat (morning sit). I'm optimistic about this weekend. I'm heading into one of my favorite spots for the first time this season.
still trapped at work and season has been compounded have to have eye surgery tomorrow - large growth popped up Sunday - has my eye almost swollen shut go get em boys, hopefully i'll make it out the following weekend
Sorry it's been awhile Too busy with work and well You Know PLAY!! Here is the latest update on the Hit List. I should have been in the treestand on the 25th. Well I was, but the wrong one!! http://www.youtube.com/user/magnusbowhunters#p/u
I went to go out this morning, had all my camo on and everything, and the pager went off for a house fire. Big time bummer. Ill be out in the AM, then going east in the PM to see Dubbya, buckeye and Live2Draw
I got all my stuff together last night to head out this morning and got pretty sick over night. This sucks! I hate being stuck inside this time of year. Hopefully I get over this soon.
I'll be at it this weekend again, I need it. Phillip, get well buddy! Caleb- Have fun out there, keep em in line!
I'll be out in the morning, I'll be hunting the stand that I missed 2 big bucks from last year and saw a huge 12pt that was on a doe with no intentions of stopping. Good luck to everyone!
40 deer on 17 hunts, 20 does, 6 fawns, 7 bucks, 7 unknown, 2 shots, 1 kill Had my best hunt of the year this morning. Saw 5 deer, 2 of them were 2.5 year old bucks. I was hunting the same stand as when i filmed the 2.5 year old 7 point earlier this year. Freak Daddy Jr. came in first and i let him walk. Beautiful buck that has booner potential. Afterwords, 3 does fed in behind me and then a 110" 8 point came in and rubbed a tree at 40 yards after a rattling sequence. This spot is going to produce soon, i may be able to get out Wednesday night. So far i have seen FOUR different 2.5 year old bucks this season, my highest total ever. Last year i saw 1.
Saturday morning was a bust for me. The wind was suppose to be 14mph on my way to the farm the wind was blowing my truck all over the road. We were having wind gust that knocked me off balance in the stand, my stand is in a HUGE old oak tree and I felt like I was in a small tree. I stayed in the stand until 9am and got down and stalked my way back to the truck. I had 6 doe at 60yds but the wind swirled and they got wind of me and bolted. The 7-13th has been the most productive for over the last 3yrs so I'm planning on getting out a lot this weekend and next week. Rubs are popping up everywhere on the farm so I know it's going to happen soon. I did get some good news, as I was leaving the farm I have to drive through a gated community where everyone has 2-3 acres each(no hunting allowed) and i saw a beautiful 8pt bedded down. I stopped and shot some video of him, as I was watching him he turned so that I could see the crab claw on his left beam. I'm 95% sure this is a buck that I shot last year but hit a branch that deflected my arrow and hit him in the back leg. it was good to see him again!
Things are heating up and will be out Thrs/Fri/Saturday trying to put one down hadn't been much and when I have been the weather has sucked, but keeping after em at every oppurtunity
I'm feeling a lot better guys and I'll be back out this weekend. Things are heating up down here and I'm expecting some good hunting this weekend. Got some vacation days coming up in a few weeks and I'll be hitting it hard everyday then.
I haven't been out since Sunday morning and its killing me. Hopefully tomorrow night i can squeeze a few hours in. Good luck guys!
Went out last night, skunked. This morning, different. A 3.5, a 2.5, a lone ranger button buck and 4 does. I have ALL DAY to hunt tomorrow...somebody pinch me! 47 deer on 19 hunts, 24 does, 7 fawns, 9 bucks, 7 unknown, 2 shots, 1 kill, One 3.5's, Four 2.5's, and Four 1.5's from stand this year.
I'm going to try it again this weekend fellas. But with highs in the 70's forcasted, I'm not expecting much.