Better luck next sit. I had zero sightings as well. Only got to hunt on Fri evening though. Back to normal hunting schedule this weekend.
So here the official update on my season so far. Like i mentioned, i went out on opening morning (Saturday). I had perfect winds, and the temps were very comfortable. I had alot of ambient wildlife around (Squirrels and Woodchucks), but no deer movement, I came in a little early because of some heavy rain that was moving in. I went out for a 2nd time last night (Monday). I went to my 2nd piece of property for this hunt. IT was extremely windy and the temps were a little cool. Once again, lots of ambient wildlife (Squirrels) but no deer movement whatsoever. Both of these stand setups are on brand new trees, that i have never hunted before in years past. Its still really early, and i think im going to start concentrating more on fields until it gets a little later in the season. 2 hunts, 0 deer sightings.
Also, a possible reason for my deer sightings being down on these 2 adjoining properties... I have never seen so many of these critters around in my life...its gonna be fun using the mouse squeaker on stand this fall
Boys, i just hung another setup, and im pumped for it. Its mostly a doe whacking stand on the edge of a bean field, but i did find some signpost scrapes too. I might get lucky and find an early season bruiser checking out does in his food source. Friday night looks like it may be the night i hunt it, if i dont sneak out tomorrow before fire practice.
Good luck man with the new stand! I've got to wait until Fri to get back out at it. I plan to hunt all day Fri and then have a morning sit on Sat. The weather has turned here and it has gotten cool over the last couple days so I'm pumped for this weekend!
Good Luck this Weekend Simon, I'll Be back to Nebraska for a Doe tag myself. I need to work on my shot placement from Last weekend!!
Dang! Just found out that the road I use to get to the top of the mountain I hunt on was washed out by all the flooding we had last week. This adds 30-40 minutes onto my trip since I have to come in from the other side now! Going to be an EARLY morning tomorrow!!
Well boys, last night i made it out to the new stand. My decision to go with the beans was a good one. I saw 3 does, a 6 point, and 2 fawns. One of the does and the 2 fawns came in and out of the feild 4 times, and the 6 point made its way under my stand and fed in the beans for 15 minutes at 10 yards. I really regrety not having my camera stuff set up for last night hunt. Right before last light, 2 mature does made there way into the feild. I had them both within bow range, but the one had somehow picked me out. She ended up busting, and ran back into the timber. The other doe stayed at 30 yards and was looking away. I took the shot and she ducked my arrow. She stayed around for a bit then went into the woods. At almost pitch black, i started climbing down my tree and noticed she had come back into the feild. All in all it was a great hunt. 3 hunts, 3 does, 2 fawns, 1 buck.
Keep at it, Caleb. It's only going to get better! I'll be out fri night, and sunday night. Visiting friends up in Northern MN at their college (UMD), should be a good time. This weekend will be great for hunting though, really cooled down here in Minnesota, little rain to wash previous scent away, and a good wind for my stands.
I'm leaving Sat morning for a 3 day getaway to Big Cedar Lodge. Going with my parents, my sister and her family as well as the 5 of us. Missing opening weekend isn't a big deal IMO, it will give the farmers a chance to get some crops out before I hit the woods next week. Good luck guys.
I have been working seems like non stop for the last 8 days - some friends have been seeing and taking deer but doesn't look like I will make it out in the next ten days- see what happens - good luck to all