Weekend 2 in the books. Hunted some public land this weekend and was pelted with rain and storms the last 2 days, which kept my deer sightings WAY down. Not my favorite hunting but went out none the less, because any hunting is better then no hunting. The rain is suppose to let up FINALLY later this week, which is just in time for me to head back into the woods.
Well, finally back to the puter been out in the woods most of last week, took out a few more does, the acorns are dropping heavy so hunting will be more challenging going forward - will start targeting bucks here in a few weeks but things will be hectic for a while so not sure when will make it back out - good luck to those who are hitting it finally and keep pressing - we got this Did we ever get our final teamate straight is it shrek or spacman, thought we were good with spacman but doesn't show that way on our team listing
Warm and windy this past weekend so I didn't see many deer and nothing in range. It looks like the weather will be cooler next weekend.
I think shrek ended up on team 15, and we got spacman. shrek killed a doe last night too Glad to see you have been laying them dowm, got any pics?
5 sleeps and ill be in a deer stand boys. I can hunt Saturday morning, and all day Sunday (except when the Packers are on :D) Does are the target during this first weekend. I wouldnt hold back on a yote either though.
I'll only be in the woods Fri after work this weekend. Saturday I've got tickets to the UT game in the luxury box....needless to say I couldn't pass those up. So to keep the wifey happy I told her I wouldn't hunt on Saturday morning. I'll be back in the "trespasser spot" on Fri and as long as I have no problems with trespassers I am fairly confident I can put a doe down. This is the area I have my trailcam in and most of my pics are evening pics. So I have a good feeling about it this weekend. The only thing I really worry about is how all the rain we've had the last week and a half will effect the deer movement.
sat night: Got my wind, and saw deer :D My mock scrape was 15 yards away! Had a doe, 2 fawns, and a nice size BB...I had a 2.5 y/o 8 pt with a lot of potential at 12 yrds also. Overall, great evening. Sunday: Doe and 2 fawns, and hot as hell. Be back at her this weekend!!
Hoping I have this Saturday off, still up in the air at this but hopeful - weather shows about a 10 degree temp drop Saturday morning - would be ideal to be in a stand Btw good luck with the Flooding Philip looks like a bear to deal with, keep us posted and hopefully things will work out