Good luck on the shed hunting tomorrow TJF. I will be listening for turkeys in the morning if there isn't any rain and probably look for sheds for a little while. I haven't been out looking now for a little while since I've started working on the house again. Hope to put some more numbers up for us if I get some more time.
Way to go Tony, will update the score card!!! Timbo WOW Thats some serious area to shed hunt, hope to see ab update from you this evening. I and my son will be going out today also,,,good luck guys!
no sheds and way too much snow in the new area. There are a lot of deer there though. We just need to snow to go. All that we could do was walk deer trails and check where they were digging in the deep snow to get at the corn and soybeans. We put on about 5 -6 miles running trails and got our exercise for the day !! Especially when you step of the trail and sink to your knees in deep snow. LOL It was a good scouting mission though and have pretty much figured out the area on where to look once the snow goes. Tim
Woah, you can keep the snow LOL We finally have easter lilys comming up, finally looking like spring here. No sheds for me today guys, I tried
I havent checked in for awhile, Lost 3 people in the last week that I knew. Havent been out, not a good week!
Sorry to hear that Dan. I haven't been able to get out and look much lately either. I've been working on redoing my screened in porch for awhile now. Hope to get out a couple more times before it greens up too much here.
Sorry to hear Dan !! Can't say I blame you for not getting out. I found and old, rotten shed last Thursday night after work... so chalk up another one for me. Britney and I are heading out tomorrow to flounder around in the snow. The darn stuff just won't melt with the cool temps we are getting. Talk to one of the landowners tonight and he just saw a buck still packing yesterday. Said it was a pretty decent buck. Tim
congrats guys, I was able to look briefly this morn, notta. got the score card updated, please check it make sure im not leaving anything out!
Things that make a day of shed hunting miserable... Filling both tanks of the truck at the gas pump. Ouch !! Taking a short cut on a minimal maintenance road and burying the Ford. It was a little deeper then I thought. Shoveling for a half hour... finally getting out only to find the road was block farther down. The thought of driving through the spot I got stuck again !! We made it at a fairly high rate of speed. Britney thought maybe we should stick to better traveled back roads. :p Get to our spot only to get snowed on about 20 minutes into the walk. You know... the big, puffy snowflakes that turn everything white. We walk back to the truck and call it quits for the day. The truck won't start. Wasn't worried as a wire that clips on to the starter is notorious for coming on hooked... especially when you get stuck in deep snow. I am parked in a mud puddle. All this snow and I manage to find the only muddy spot in the area to park the truck. Crawl under the truck and hook it back up. I am a mud mess now. We get home and the wife is taking great joy in rubbing it in. Tim
Holy crap Tim, now thats a bad day !!!!!!!!!! You must have rubbed off, was going to go today after mowing grass for the first time this spring. BUT When the lawn tracter conecting rod locks up to the crank shaft it changes everything spent the day tearing down the motor!
I'll take my crappy day over your's . Ouch !! It is looking like I won't have to mow grass for another month or so here. LOL Tim
Things haven't changed here much. Still a lot of snow in our good spots. We are suppose to get more snow tomorrow ( 3-5 inches ). I went for a walk last night on some bean ground that had melted off and found 3 old busted up sheds. Deer moved into the spot really late this winter and I was hoping to find something fresh but no luck there. So until this snow melts it is still going to be slow up here. I'll get pictures up of the oldies later. Chalk me up for 3 more. Tim
Well another set of miles and another set of nothing....still going out fellas, hopefully I'll get something here soon!
I never made it out there on this day. I am heading out later today for the 3 hour drive for a couple days.
Got us updated, congrats on the finds Tim! Well guys its looking bleak for me unless I accidently stumble on some more. The foilage is getting thick, Im in Turkey mode for the 24th opener. Been busy scouting and building brush blinds. Hope you guys find some more!
Not that it will help but I found 2 more. The snow is finally about gone here so I get to start hitting it hard now. Crazy spring !! Tim