Good to see everyone is checked in. We need to vote for a team captain. cough... cough... bloodcrik... cough... cough Then we need to pick a team name such as... Fat Finger's Gang Dan ( bloodcrik ) can explain that name for all the new guys. If not I am sure Tuco can. Tim
Ill vote with the masses and same goes with the team name, Im new to the site and just want to have a good time and find a bunch of bone.
LMAO, Well if nobody wants capt duties ill do it I guess,,,now as for the name, im not rollin with it unless at least 2 more agree on it >>>BAM<<<
im good with that name. i dont get it.....but i dont get alot of things!!! and Dan gets my vote for captain, as long as he is willing to do it! i havent checked out the other teams threads yet, but id say we are off to a pretty good start?
kinda wish there was a deadhead contest!! been finding them right and left! been out shedding three times this year. 2 sheds and seven deadheads!
Nice job calcium, None for me today but had only an hour to work with after work. Ok about the Fat finger (myth) thats right TJF myth My budy Tuco that only checks in once in a great moon started that. Word is that I have enourmously fat fingers, half the forum members think that LOL. It kinda stuck around here, Mine arent big its that everyone else has small hands LOL If thats the name you whipper snappers wanna go with then ok damit !! s
Haha I like it! Im all for it! And if it makes you feel any better, if my grandfather was still around he would give you a run for your money there. We said he had sausage fingers. Things hardly fit in the trigger guard of his guns lol.
LMAO, One of the members here (racewayking) calls me sasuage fingers LOL. Ok I admit it there somewhat big. The had a safety award at work once, they gave us a ring sizing gauge set to see what size ring to get, Uh Mine didnt fit in the guages
There is proof of your huge fingers on video. You shot it yourself If you guys havent seen it check out the Video he posted a little while back.
lol. no worries, Dan. you know what they say about guys with big hands and fat fingers...... they wear big gloves!