Happy New Years Guys! Here's to a safe and healthy 2021! and hopefully a better deer season for me next year... wish I could have contributed more to the team other than the doe(s). Past 2 seasons have been rough for me on the bucks! Anyway, it's been real! Congrats to you all on your success....
Same here, I think I am on a 4 or 5yr drought on bucks. Starting to think it's this contest that jinks me I'm kidding I don't believe it that nonsense.
Anyone still hunting? My season only has 9 days left, I’m thinking about going a couple more times just to watch.
NY ended 12/22. MA last day was 12/31. CT done as well. Sure wish I was out there still! bucks shedding here now.
WI Archery season closed Jan 3rd with the exception of some select counties that have an extended archery season until Jan 31st. Just the doe for me this year but happy to have her in my freezer. Good luck to the rest of you still hunting.
Well guys, deer season is officially coming to an end tomorrow for us here in Oklahoma. After all the BS we’ve all had to deal with in 2020, I’m glad we were all able to get out in the woods and get our minds off of crap. I personally had an unbelievable season and I’m glad I got to share it with all y’all. It was an honor getting to know you all and hopefully we’ll be able to keep in touch. Maybe some of us we’ll get to be teammates again this coming season. It’s time for me to get after those fish. I enjoyed it fellas!!!
I was glad to be on this team. It was an unbelievable season. Hunterman I wanna know what that buck scores when you get it back and a few pics. We had a heck of run in first for awhile. Keep in touch and take care fellas. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
We definitely had one heck of a run and I believe we finished up in the top 5 which is freaking awesome! I’ll post the score and picture of the finished mounts on here so everyone can see it if they want to. My first buck should be finished up any day now. My big one should be getting scored real soon once I get an appointment set up. It’s 60 day dry time is on the 25th of this month so any day after that I should get the official score.