Shot a doe and coyote this weekend with shotgun. I missed a stud. Makes me sick still thinking about it. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Dang man.... that’s a giant! Hopefully you’ll get another crack at him though. Congratulations on the doe and coyote!
seems all my bucks have disappeared... occasional midnight cruiser... i'm so frustrated. NY & CT bow are over... one more week of MA.
Well it looks like we are in 2nd place anymore. Team 12 is killing it Sent from my iPhone using Forums
We are not. Sorry for the typo. Hope everyone has a good thanksgiving. I might try go Sunday morning. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I will get out again for late season. Traditional gun season just ended in WI and this next week is muzzleloader. After that there are various doe only gun seasons so it gets difficult to get out and buck hunt. Seasons not over yet, I'll be out there again
@heartstopper, your scorecard entry post is missing the date of the kill. Please edit and add the date and let me know so I can get your team's score updated.
gun season here.. missed a decent buck last pm.. not sure what it was... must have rushed and pulled it... ugh... story of my season so far....
Nice job heartstopper! Congrats and way to put some more points on the board! (Sorry, I am a little behind but trying to catch up). Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Sorry fellers. Been MIA a bit lately. I am heading out in the morning to try and get us 50 more points. I am looking to get a late season archery deer on public. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Guys I know it’s not what you want to hear but I got me a good one with a gun yesterday. I couldn’t ever get him close enough with a bow to shoot. It took all week but I sealed the deal yesterday.
Wow! Congrats WTJ3 on a beautiful buck! It’s all good man. Take em how you can get em! Great job! Sent from my iPhone using Forums