Well, change of plans...I am going hunting tonight! Heading out now. Hope I see something! Good luck to all that are going out! Here goes... Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
I don’t think I’ll get to go out in the morning and depending on how warm it gets, I probably won’t be going out tomorrow evening. I know I’m ready for this next cold front to put these critters back on their feet during the day. I am seeing early signs of pre rut activity on my cameras at night. It’s about to get good around here!!!
Thanks Hunterman! It’s my biggest buck so far!! I am so excited! Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Congrats man I was following you in the live from stand thread last night till I went to bed and was wondering if you recovered him sounded like a crazy track with no blood!
Is there a way I can notifications from this thread on my phone. I check the app all the time with no response then all of a sudden there are 10 post Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
If you’re using the website, scroll up like in the picture and click “watch thread”. Then cline “with email notifications”
Bud, he’s a hell of a deer! Those tall, tight racks just do something for me, I love seeing them! Congratulations again on your biggest so far, way to go bud!
Yes! Thanks man. It was a crazy night. I am so blessed and thankful to have found him! We had a dog but my buddy just basically got lucky and walked up on him. No blood till the very end. Weird. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Yes. Agreed! Pretty tall rack. At least for what I’m used too. Lol. I am pumped! Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Your time will come. I just found a subscribe tab on the app. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Ok guys. I scored my buck and entered it into the Scoring Thread. It scored gross of 88 7/8”. Now I am on doe patrol. Lol Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Ok guys, here’s the scoop on last nights buck... I had quite the night last night. It took some finagling to make it out into the woods due to work and family commitments but I made it work since I knew today would be a complete wash out due to the hurricane Delta remnants. That said, I had high hopes that the deer would get up and move prior to the storm. I was in a spot I have never hunted. I have hunted that private property only 3 times ever (all this year) but not this spot. Normally the guy that hunts it couldn’t make it out that night and told me I could sit there. It is an area in the woods that has been cleared out quite a bit over this past summer. I figured that would be better than my spot that’s on the edge of an open field. He has a ground blind set up but I am headstrong about using my new saddle set-up that I have spent a fortune on! Lol. I hadn’t seen anything until I see 3 deer (2 8 point bucks and a button buck) come out at 1810. I went back and forth on which buck I was gonna shoot about 3 times. Lol. I shot the bigger buck at 1830. I felt that the shot was perfect and the deer mule kicked. It was a complete pass through and the arrow had limited dark blood only. I tried to get down before it got completely dark to look at the arrow and see if I could find some decent blood before I headed back to the truck to put away my equipment and give him some time. I did not see any blood and therefore I called a buddy to come help me track. We went out around 2100 and didn’t find any blood so we called his neighbor who has a bloodhound to come out. We met him around 2215 and started with the dog. My buddy actually just randomly walked up on it out of the blue and finally found it at 2338. It ended up being a almost perfect shot which makes it so weird to not have good blood. After gutting, skinning and quartering and deboning it, I finally got into bed at 0238 (after getting up that morning at 0430 to workout before work). It was really good to share this experience with my buddy and my 2 daughters. It is my biggest bowkill buck, first Arkansas deer in 4 years of trying, first deer killed out of a saddle and first time getting my new truck bloody! Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums