Well guys, I drew blood this morning but to say it was a ****ty shot would be an understatement! The deer turned on me when I shot and the arrow went in her ham! Gotta give her some time and pick up the trail. I’ll keep y’all informed!
Unfortunately, I didn’t find anything more. The blood trail went from nothing, to some quarter size drops 100 yards or so, back to nothing. No arrow, no bedded spots, no more blood. Spent over an hour of grid searching.
Bummer man, its incredible how quickly they can move. Watching those slow motion video's of shows its incredible what they can do in a fraction of a second.
Yeah they sure can move quick... thinking back now I shouldn’t of shot. She was already catching my scent and a four wheeler coming down the trail didn’t help. Live and learn though!
Welp I’m out here praying I get another crack at her. I know it’s a long shot and probably won’t happen. Good luck to those that are out here this evening!
We all have bad shots if you hunt long enough with a bow. If you hit her that far back more then likely if it wasn’t fatal it will heal quick. No hunting for me till next week guys. Have to work 7a to 9p all weekend long. The joys of a public servant.
Yeah I have had my fair share of bad shots unfortunately! I do think I seen her on my way out last night. If it was, she was limping a little bit but the arrow was no longer hanging out of her ass. I’m out here again this morning so we’ll see how it goes. Good luck to any of y’all out this morning.
dang.. that sucks.. wish I didn't know the feeling.. Get the next one! I saw a bunch last PM... had 2 does and a spike skirt me. Would gladly have shot the spike as he looked like the was going to come in, but wound up following the does. He was at 30 yards at one point, but behind some brush. Then I had a big doe come in with a fawn. If she were alone I would have shot her. Then another small doe (maybe fawn, couldn't tell) came in where the spike was. Never cleared the brush. Then I had a decent doe coming in behind me. She locked up and the took 3 quick bounds away. I saw another tail or 2 go with her I never saw. She never blew at me or anything. Wind was good. Not sure if she saw me, but she was right next to a mock scrape. Maybe that got her? IDK... then, while climbing down, another deer ran off from where the 1st 3 went. Raining her now. Supposed to break around 2, so I'll go sit again this PM to see if they move.
Sounds like a great evening to me bud. This morning not much happened. I did see one but it was just for a split second about 90 or so yards away. I’m ready for this full moon to be done with. I’m also ready to have my Mathews back, I just don’t have the confidence with a recurve to hunt my other spots.
We are on the board guys. Just smoked a doe. Going to wait it out until dark and see if I can get a double!
Ok team. I am up in the saddle. Ready to shoot anything that walks. Lol. Good luck to all who are out! Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums