The best thing that I can figure is that when I shot, it broke my nock which caused the bow basically to dry fire! Seriously though, it looks way worse than it is but could have been WAY worse! The arrow actually scratched my hand which scared me worse! I thought it done went through my hand.
Here is what it looks like today. The swelling is almost down, it’s more like size of a tennis ball now! I think tomorrow I’ll be able to shoot my recurve since I bend my elbow a little more with it. Guys, please check your nocks and flex your arrows before you shoot.... I was lucky! I will definitely be checking my nocks from now on. Training wheels can be dangers after all
I had that happen the first month I had my new VXR.. I shot the bow and the string snapped at the loop.. arrow went about 5 feet and the nock was broken. I replaced my strings and cables with BC Custom Bowstrings and they been great. Punched myself in the side of the head, but no arm disaster like that.. looks very painful!
Ouch glad your alright man. First sit of the year tonight boys! 82 yesterday and 56 right now should be a good night!
Damn! I used to catch my arm from time to time in my younger days but nothing even close to that. I will be keeping a close eye on my nocks from now on. I am already paranoid about carbon arrows.
It looks like someone is laughing if you look close enough Sent from my iPhone using Forums
1 doe so far the night is still young. I’m mainly on doe patrol so if one get close enough the rage will eat!
4 does and nothing in range. Tried to put a stalk on one at last light but only got within 60 yards in tall grass and didn’t want to risk it. Plus it was getting dark fast!
at least you had some action. I am going out this afternoon for the first sit if the rain holds off... if not today... definitely tomorrow and Thursday for sure! I'm on anything patrol.. lol... I will only wait on the big boys in MA where I have them on cam. Any CT deer is a bonus freezer filler.
Alrighty guys I’m back. Been trying to get this deer processing place ready for action. Got the bow to the shop and I was told that my bottom cam is bent a little so a new cam it is! The arm is still purple but it’s slowly starting to fade away. Still got a swollen spot but it’s getting smaller every day. I sure do get looked at funny when people see the giant bruise lol. Between 7 am and 11 am, I’ve been having several doe come through but yesterday I had one of my shooters! This is the best year as far as getting shooters on camera during daylight this early in the year. Hopefully I can stick one with the ol recurve!!
Me too bud! A friend of mine shot one that was cracked and it went through his hand. That’s exactly what I thought happened to me but fortunately it wasn’t.
Yea... I have been as well. I'm wondering if mine was more that issue than the issue I thought it was. Still raining here.. supposed to clear up around lunch time... fingers crossed I can get my first CT sit in tonight... Not much will get a pass... unless it's a doe with a mini or 2... just can't do that knowingly anymore... at least this early in the season when some still have visible spots there. But late muzzleloader is a different story. Not that I care if anyone else does...
I know the feeling bud, there is low predation in my area so just about every does has 2 little ones with it. Its actually a challenge to find a doe without fawns for me but I usually manage.
Hey guys been bear hunting. Came back yesterday and hunted locally. Had a very young 10 point at 12 yards this morning and let him walk. Had a big bachelor group of bucks with 5 shooters come out at 100 yards yesterday evening.
TOMORROW IS THE DAY!!!!!!! I’m so excited to crawl in a blind and watch the woods come alive. At deer camp now and it feels amazing.
saw a few does tonight for my first sit. 1 deer I could not identify. Only had 1 big doe in range, but she had fawns and I could see the spots.. couldn't do it..