Good looking bucks everyone... Here is a few of my hit list... as of Today. Mr Crabs Uni-Brow Big 8 I'm hunting saturday morning and I can't wait!
Great bucks everyone. The buck I posted above is estimated to be between 170-175". I will poke him if I get a chance!
Man I am just hoping to hit that 200 point club. By that I mean 50 point doe and 150 buck Hopefully everyone on the team can get a doe down. Those goose eggs kill teams!
i havent shot a doe in 4 yrs we just dont have the population around here. its either a 150 in buck or bust for me. i did buy a doe tag at our cabin up north so maybe up there ill shoot one. but definatly not enough deer in se wisconsin to shoot does.
I promise to take pictures of a doe this year. Last year I harvested a doe and a buck but failed to take pics of the doe thinking I would harvest another. So technically I didn't get in the 200 point club yet I did.... 213.5 to be exact. I won't put a doe down early in the season unless its in the AM when I can take it straight to the locker. And no, I don't process my own meat. I'd rather spend that time doing other things. :p Most my hunts early season will be PM hunts for a few reasons. Historically I have been more successful in the evenings. I contribute this to a few things. 1. Access - most crop fields are on the front side of the property were you almost have to walk in or near the crop fields to get to your stand. Walking in there in the morning hours is anti-productive as they are up on their feet feeding. 2 Deer don't see as well in the day light. 3. I can be quitter entering and setting up in the day light. 4. Deer activity is at a low when I enter the area mid / late afternoon. 5. Much more noise and historically more wind during day light hours here in the midwest. All equates to me being a sneaky SOB... :p 4 days until the opener. I must do a final camera check and set one last stand tomorrow to be ready. It's really cooling off here so things are looking good!
I hunt most of the time for deer in the afternoon in the morning I will be hunting turkey til I fill my fall tag or til duck season starts
We typically avoid mornings - but we have a great spot that works as they work their way back to bed... I'll hunt it twice this weekend - then leave it alone until later in the year!
Ekkkk.... My last card pull was disappointing. My #1 has vanished. In fact I pulled 3 cards with an 11 day soak. Not one shooter buck... I am possibly thinking a food source change. I have moved some cams around to see if my theory holds true...
I will be in a ground blind in the am I hope to fill my fall turkey bow tag and in the afternoon I will be in a tree stand
Below is an aerial of my first stand tomorrow night. Roomer has it there is a giant lurking in the area. :D It's .75 miles from the road. The corn is standing and its a real jungle down in there. I have the perfect ambush spot. Everything funnels right into me.. Anything can happen or nothing at all. :p I AM PUMPED. I'll leave at 3 PM tomorrow. It can't get here soon enough!
I am back from a week in the mountains on vacation, and visited our stands today. We finalized the stand safety checks, took care of any minor details, did one last check of shooting lanes, and changed cards in the trail cams. We are ready for October 1st. I'm just going to keep shooting and counting down the days!
Well - I got it done on Sunday morning!!! Doe down! We filmed the hunt for BowhuntOrDie - it will be on this weeks show. Check it out Friday morning!