Back at it again tomorrow for a afternoon / evening sit. Going to sit in the same stand I killed the 165" last year. Heading an hour north Wednesday for an all day hunt pending the outcome of tomorrow's hunt.
Best of luck IlHunter & Heckler. Here in Illinois, the rut is starting to get going. The next 7 to 10 days should be awesome. We sure could use another shot of cold weather though.
Just a quick reminder from Fitz, regarding the contest regulations: I've updated the scorecard this AM. There are a number of entries that have not been entered because they are missing information. Please help me by making sure that your teammates are entering their kills correctly. What's needed: Two photos that have the deer, hunter and bow in them Date & Time of kill Team number Breakdown in scoring for all bucks over 50" Hunters should update their original post, not make a new one. All updated entries will be added next week when the scorecard is updated again. Also, Please make sure that I have your team's name and captain indicated in the Teams List thread. If not, please let me know what/who they are. Thanks! Fitz
Great job Beehunter! No OH for me this year, lost access to the property I was on. Theres evidence of a good buck where I`ve been hunting in NY, but it seems everytime I sit somebody comes walking through. Every year theres a handful of shooters in the area, but I didn't run cams like usual for fear of them getting stolen. Temps are pretty warm today, trying to decide on a good place to sit this afternoon.
well kids, I had 2 small does under me for close to an hour feeding on acorns. They got a pass, I`d rather shoot a mature doe. Looks like I`m gonna have plenty of time to hunt the next couple weeks, so we should be able to make something happen!
Congrats on the bucks guys! The area I predominantly hunt has shut down until December, so it'll be a bit before I spend much time in a tree. Good luck to all you getting out and hunting!
Well there he is guys! The big wide ten I was after. I'll share the story and score him in the morning!
Monmouth? Do you drive thru Rushville? If so that means you go right by all of my property, Have you taken hero shots or do you already have him all caped out
I got him hanging right now. I live by Galesburg. Haven't taken any hero shots really. Was planning on getting him caped out and to the taxidermist tomorrow.
Okay, I live like 2 hours south, If I was in rushville I would meet you in good hope and we could do some photos, OH well Good job man let us know how he scores for sure
WOW! Congratulations on a beautiful buck. Way to get it done for sure! I'm looking forward to seeing how he scores, and if you get time, please post the story behind the hunt. That's a very nice Illinois buck man. Again, big congratulations for sure!!!
Wow! ILHunter!!!! You the man! That is a stud of a deer. Congrats. I will guess what he scores for grins and giggles.