Just finished repairing 2 ladder stand sling seats. New webbing and seat covers. Should feel safer in these. The old ones had been out for 4 years! I'll get them on tomorrow too.
at cabin putting a new stand up. got to stand location at 930 am, this is camera at that spot this morning
Spent most of the morning clearing blowdowns off the path back to the river. Didn't find any scrapes along the field edge. Got the seats installed on 2 ladder stands and new safety straps on all the stands. Got the trimming done for the new stand site. Time we got back to the truck to pick up ladder stand we were a hot mess. Called it a day...
I was talking to the farmer that I have permission to hunt on his land. He has two ladder stands that other hunters have left behind on his property. He said I can use them. I just have to supply my own straps to the tree, and Make sure I take them down after hunting season is over. He is even going to help me set it up. He would like my son and I to take at least 4 deer from his property. My son and I have 6 tags between us. I'm hoping we can assist him in his wishes.
Looks like some little bucks have been in the area, my mom saw these two and another out in the field on Friday. That vine hanging down is behind the 6pt is my mock scrape. Hopefully they hit it and get it turned into a real scrape. Looks like they could have, maybe too far from the camera. Had a couple buck fights on camera last year in this plot late October in the middle of the night.
Got our new house today. I was worried about backing it in due to my driveway being in the middle of a blind hill, but I got it right in. Realtor comes Thursday to get our house listed
Just finished putting up the ladder stand. Should be a good doe spot. Farmer in informed me that a large buck came out of the corn headed across the road and into his other corn field. Yesterday. Away from my stand. He'll be back looking for those does!!!!
just a tidbit, if you want to know if anyone has posted on the team page without having to come into the contest page, you can "follow thread". to do this, when you enter the future champions, #1 for a reason thread you will see a hyperlink "follow thread", click that. You will then be given 2 options, essentially do you want an email every time someone posts or not, I select no. Next time you go to the forum just check your alerts like you would to see if someone quoted you or liked a post of yours.
For some reason I'm not receiving any notifications. So if I I go MIA don't think I'm snubbing y'all Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
Accepted an offer on our house. Been fixing little nick nac stuff around the house getting it ready for the inspection Wednesday. Ready to be homeless, with a pocket full of cash, and a open schedule to hunt.
got tired of the cost of building out new axis arrows so trying something much more budget friendly right now. I picked up some Easton 6.5 .003 340 spine with 50 grain inserts. total weight at set up about 467gr. Shot them last night for the first time and so far so good. I still have 7 axis ' so I normally try to stay at a dozen arrows but they're just so danged expensive and these 6.5s are cheap. I did get the prefleched, which going forward if I keep these would probably change just to customize a little bit. they are 42 gr lighter than my axis but Im confident a 467 gr arrow out of my bow is not light. I have some 435 gr blu rzs and even lighter Scheels branded GT arrows that got the job done before
Yeah I’m down to 6 axis, axi? Axises? However you say it plural lol. They don’t seem to be as tough as gold tip hunter xt’s but it may be bc they are 5mm. I built out a set of Hunter XT’s two years ago and had the same amount of money as I did buying the 5mm Axis from Nock On which are .001. It does hurt buying arrows though
I bought a new Scorpyd crossbow a few weeks ago and after a few technical difficulties I started sighting it in this weekend. Today I'm out to 60yds with it and it's drillin it! Yes I know it's one of those evil devil worshiping crossbows, but I'm old, give me a break!! Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
Nice! My wife has a Barnett. She is so tall and has such a substantial draw length (like 23”) and is pulling so much weight (we didn’t get it up to 40lbs) I don’t think she could ethically kill a deer with a regular bow. Have since bought a monopod, a bipod, and now a tripod bc she says she can’t hold it still lol. I’m not making fun of her, I’m making fun with her. I’m all for crossbows as long as they get people hunting.