Nebo-- I took the liberty of transferring your score sheet to an offical P&Y score sheet. Here is a snap shot of it if you would like to use it.
Slick - I been a team captain before and am use to helping out with scoring and such! Thanks for the compliment!
If it was actually measured to the nearest 1/4” and the scorer rounded up/down correctly then the maximum possible difference in score would only be 2 3/8”. If he didn’t round up/down correctly then the maximum difference would be 4 6/8”. Rescoring could result in a higher or lower score depending on the actual measurements. I am willing to run with this score sheet because since the scorer listed the inside spread in 1/8” increments one could assume that all ten of the measurements that weren't whole numbers actually measured 2/8, 4/8 & 6/8 but he just wrote them down as quarters. The likelihood of that happening is low, but it’s not impossible. Let me know if this is what you want to do.
to clarify I measured deer at taxidermist, i said to him does this seem right, he threw a tape to it real fast and said yes. the written score sheet is from me. Ill have to try to get up there or ask if he'd do it for me. im friends with his son so he might.
Had a 2.5 yo 6 or 8 at 10 yards. I nudged the wife to wake her up and she jumped and it scared him off into cover. Not a shooter. A 3.5 yo 8 or really healthy 2.5 yo came through at 5am. He’s not a shooter for me but it’d be a nice first buck for the wife. Waiting on a doe to stroll by.
I'm out in a tree now have been since 0640. Notta , scrape was hit up by 2 bucks last night after the rain quite 11pm.
Don’t quite have a plan nailed down for tomorrow, but I’ll be out. Saw a nice buck on the way home tonight 800 yards from the stand I was in this morning. The property on the other side seems to have more people activity on it this year than what I’ve seen so it may deter buck movement. Maybe I’ll wake up to a cam pic to sway my plan.
I screwed up this morning on a big 8. Damn stand creeked. 18 days left. Man I hope that not the only chance I get. Back in tree again now
I really don’t think it was a fatal shot. I thought it was guts but I think it was brisket judging by the bright red blood and the arrows didn’t stink. It smelled kind of sweet. I’m back in this morning across the rd and going to put the dog on the blood trailmid morning It’s ramping up though!
Good luck on the trail. I'm gonna try and get off work early and sneak into a stand. It's on a piece of public that gets tons of pressure. I shot a doe this time of yr last year with the same wind that's predicted. I farm next to it and the amount of deer on the private is ridiculous. Sent from my SM-S205DL using Forums mobile app
The amount of doe on the 96 acres I hunt is pretty out of control. I cannot step foot in the woods with out bumping one. Whether I use ditches to get in and out or walk straight through the field and sometimes they’re blowing before I get out of the yard. There has been 5 or 6 houses built on this road and it’s clogging their travel up. Now they’re just standing everywhere all the time lol.
I didn’t post on here about it but I was hunting behind my parents house yesterday on our old motocross track. There is an uphill and a down hill. I bumped a doe at the top of the uphill, so I crossed over and went down the down hill. If I could have moved down the hill quicker and still been quiet I would’ve had a 30 yard shot. I intersected her at about 45 yards, she turned and started coming toward me, almost in a decent range and turned the other way. It got the blood pumping though. Almost had my first “spot and stalk” deer.