So I decided to try my hand at an evening hunt tonight.... cooler temps then we have been getting, misting rain most of the day. And I have a sitter so have to take advantage of that..... the wind only allows me a sit in a blind... it’s alright at least I am out! The damn neighbors ♂️ One is mowing at last light... should be alright but another is redoing her dog run and sound like she’s using a sledgehammer on pipe. Banging dragging clanging! Oh well at least I am out... at least I am out...
Gotta do the domestics this morning with the wife, but my plans are to get out this evening with the SIL at lease again. I'll be sitting the same stand over looking a scrape where I've been getting pictures of 2 nice bucks. I'm struggling about shooting the pie bald doe that is running the lease. She is so cool! Now a regular doe has problems tonight! Either one of these 2 shows it is game on! Otherwise I'm a watcher on bucks.
forgot to measure the stupid thing and it's all pack into freezer, should be able to measure Monday when i pull it out for taxidermist. it was a game of tetris getting everything on there and im not pulling it all out to pack it up to pull it out again. I have the pictures so should be able to post on score thread Monday night or Tuesday
Well, my cousin that lets me hunt his 80 acres sounds hard up for money. Looks like they’re logging it. Suck for this year but oh baby I can’t wait for 2023. I’m going to go talk to him tomorrow to see if any stands are in danger. So, looks like the money is on the 16 acres across the road from that 80acres. There is on tree in the 80 acre I plan on doing a little Cobra Kai (strike hard, strike fast) action next weekend or week. It’s 60 yards off of the opposite of the opposite property line so hopefully it’ll be gtg. but we’re moved out of our house and this is the first night in my parents driveway in the camper
Well, my cousin that lets me hunt his 80 acres sounds hard up for money. Looks like they’re logging it. Suck for this year but oh baby I can’t wait for 2023. I’m going to go talk to him tomorrow to see if any stands are in danger. So, looks like the money is on the 16 acres across the road from that 80acres. There is on tree in the 80 acre I plan on doing a little Cobra Kai (strike hard, strike fast) action next weekend or week. It’s 60 yards off of the opposite of the opposite property line so hopefully it’ll be gtg. but we’re moved out of our house and this is the first night in my parents driveway in the camper. Still have to go back and clean the house
I will be if the rain ever stops. It is absolutely pouring here in Indiana Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
No more hunting for me for a few weeks my little girl decided to make her grand appearance this afternoon! All are healthy. My cell cams are on fire. Going to enjoy these few weeks but sure will miss the stand.
Congrats on the new daughter. Sounds like you'll have your hands full for a while. God bless your family. Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk