Anyone hear about these last night.. why am I always the last to hear.. there was 1 just down the road that apparently drew 200 peeps. I would have been there in a heartbeat had I known. Anyway.. this is cool stuff in my opinion.. finally a protest that makes sense. Word up to any who joined in..,2933,516715,00.html America.. Frick Ya!:d (i know.. i know.. i should stop with the political stuff already and get back to hunting.. but i love all this talk about revolution and succeeding (don't think thats the right one) from the union.. its great.. for once i feel like i'm seeing some history unfold.)
There was a great one in Chicago that some buddies were trying to get me to go to, but I had an Obs Review at work.
duke, I whimped out. Was gonna go to the closest one for an hour before work, but it rained and I didn't go. I later heard there were 200-300 people there. What a wuss. racewayking, that's a great sign.
Wow, living under a rock, Duke? Lol, jk. There were huge ones in the major cities (Atlanta, NYC, Phoenix I think as well), plus some locally here as well. I believe there will be one here in Williamsport over the Little League World Series:D It's great to see.