Okay folks, I want to setup some long range shots in my back yard, My yard is 400' deep so I can get some really long distance shots. What do use for targets that don't break the bank? How big of a target should I start out with? We have a indoor range that only goes to 50 yards, so I would like to set something up in the 60, 80 , and 100 yards, plus having a 20, 30, 40 and 50 yard. My goal is so I can shoot everyday, to help with the accuracy and muscle memory. Beefie
Just got a 18" blackhole target for $40 and there is a 10 dollar mail in rebate i have yet to send in. they have a 22" version that was sold out but it was like 10 dollars more
Here is the link http://forums.bowhunting.com/diy-archery-hunting-projects/66518-lifetime-target.html
I like the size, 3'x5'. the chicken wire, is that steel or the poly? how is it holding up so far? I like this for my 100 yard shot more room for error. Beefie
This is a lifetime target. The only thing that needs replacing is the front facing once a year. All the material to make it is cheap or stuff I had laying around. Old decking board and sheet rock screws is what the frame is made of. I bought the rubber mat that is the backer and the chicken wire which is steel and will not hurt the arrows. Plus the landscaping material which I have plenty left to cover it for a few years. Hutch