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targeting beauty berry trees for deer?

Discussion in 'Whitetail Deer Hunting' started by kjstaudt86, Sep 28, 2018.

  1. kjstaudt86

    kjstaudt86 Die Hard Bowhunter

    Jan 5, 2017
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    So last weekend, I went into the woods for a pig hunt and on the way out, I stumbled upon a really nice 8 point buck (15 yards away) that was in a cluster of American Beauty berry trees that had overgrown due to a clearcut 4 years prior. Found a picture from the internet in the attachment. I also saw a doe just prior to that on the outer edge that went blowing through the woods upon seeing me walking out. I eased around the corner and saw the bucks antlers just over the brush line sitting there. The buck eventually took off and I went in for further investigation and It looked to me like a bed was inside of all the shrubs and thorns. After doing a little investigation on the web, I ran into an article that said to target these bushes early in the season and that deer along with other animals really like them. My question is, has anyone hunted over these particular shrubs before and had success. I don't know what kind of shot opportunity I would have being that the bushes in a lot of spots are taller than me, so hunting from above may be tough.

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