I just bought some large arrows for target shooting. They are bare arrows, and i haven't had them fletched, or cut. My first question is what do you guys use for taget shooting feathers, vanes, ect...? Also, do you leave your arrows longer then your hunting arrows? My next point is, I currently have a WB and these arrows are going to be to big (by alot!!!) for WB. So i am looking for a new rest. I am looking to buy an economically price rest. Does anyone have any suggestions on a good target and hunting rest at an economical price? Thanks in advance for any info!
As far as vanes go, I have always used 2.3's. I have used Vanetec Super Spine 2.3's for a few years now and love them. They're pretty stiff, fletch well, and are just an all around good vane. I ALWAYS use orange too. Go Vols :D If you're looking for a good rest at a cheap price, a prong style rest would serve the purpose. I'd just look at a good drop away though. Most target shooters, including myself, opt for a blade style rest like a Trophy Taker Spring Steel. Here are my 3D arrows for this year. Easton Cobalt 2312's, 100gr in the nose, Vanetec Super Spine 2.3's, and Easton Super 3D nocks.
Thanks Matt! I picked up some Easton 2514 arrows and might fletch them purple (GO VIKINGS!!!!!) Anyway, thanks for the info...I'll look into the rests. Just curious what people had to say about it.
It really depends on what kind of competitive shooting I'm doing. For indoors, I've been using 4" feathers the past couple of years. Length of my arrows depends on if I'm shooting aluminum or carbon. I'm convinced that carbon reacts differently on the shot than aluminum, and I really don't think spine seems to matter as much, especially when your only shooting at 20 yards indoors. I'm currently shooting Gold Tip Triple X's indoors, and have them cut about 1/4" in front of the blade on my Tuner Blade rest. For the rest, are you looking for a good rest that can do both, or are you looking for a good target rest, in addition to your current biscuit setup? If looking for a pure target rest, I agree with Matt........it's hard to beat the Trophy Taker Spring Steel if you want one for cheap. If you can cough up the extra $$$ the Britesite Tuner Blade is worth it though, same spring steel design as the Trophy Taker, but a LOT easier to adjust and no tools needed. If I had to pick a rest for both hunting and target work combined, I'd probably pick a Limb Driver.