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Target Panic?????

Discussion in 'Target Archery' started by tc3144, Jul 14, 2011.

  1. tc3144

    tc3144 Weekend Warrior

    Oct 17, 2010
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    Alright guys and is my problem and I am open to any and all suggestions...First off...I used to work in a proshop and shot leagues and shot an average of 200 arrows a day (had a long break between classes at college lol) But, I got away from archery altogether after being so discouraged with my shooting. I started shooting and bowhunting again last year and I am getting better but looking for any advice. Currently I am shooting a PSE Bow Madness with a free flight release. I haven't shot leagues in years and can't really because we have no pro shop in town. But I do practice outside. I have always been a shooter that lets the pin float. Problem is I let my pin float below the bull...I used to float it right at the bottom of the bull...but it seemed to gradually get lower and lower and lower...eventually to where I couldn't get the pin on the target at all and I would jerk and float the shot. TERRIBLE HABIT!!! Since then I have tried to come down from the top of the target or to come from either side. Nothing seems to help. i know it's mental, but I flat out cannot get the pin on the bull. Would a back tension release help me or should I just keep working on this. For example, just pulling up full draw and focusing on the target and not squeezing the trigger and let down? and then repeat? I am so discouraged. Please shoot some advice my way and help a guy out. Thanks
  2. indynotch50

    indynotch50 Grizzled Veteran

    Jan 4, 2011
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    Morristown, IN
    I was having the same problem...
    It is only partially mental. There is a physical aspect as well. Lighten up your bow and poundage to make it lighter / more comfortable. Next, don't shoot as much. I used to come home and shoot 200 shots after a long day, no matter how tired i am. It was destroying my form. I got in the mentality of "one more shot and it'll be right". Unfortunately, one more shot just made it worse.
    If you can make the bow more comfortable, you can take your time, you can relax more.
    I still don't shoot if I'm tired and have had a long day, but I'm up to 70 pounds and shooting the best I ever have.

    Hang in there.
  3. Rick James

    Rick James Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 24, 2008
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    West Central IL
    First thing you should do is pull the site off the bow and shoot a good 500-1000 shots at less than 10 yards. Just focus on each shot trying to setup perfect, focus on the spot you want to hit, and allow your body to subconsiously execute the shot while you focus on the spot you want to hit.

    Next thing after your 500-1000 blank bales is to put the site back on the bow, and do another 500-1000 draw sequences, where you draw, anchor perfectly, and get the pin in the middle of the X and just let it float there until you start to fatigue, then let down. DO NOT EXECUTE THESE SHOTS. You need to re-train your mind to be comfortable sitting in the middle of the X, and you cannot do this while also focusing on trying to execute the shot.

    After your blank bale, and aiming drills are done, then start shooting 10 yard games at a 3 or 5 spot target. Get comfortable putting the two together at a distance where you cannot miss. Get comfortable with what it feels like to pound the middle out of the X. Once your mind knows what this is like, it's a lot easier to transition it to further distances.
  4. tc3144

    tc3144 Weekend Warrior

    Oct 17, 2010
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    thanks guys. I have begun shooting at a bag from 5 ft. without my eyes open. I am going to do this for a week just to get my form back without punching. Then I'm going to draw the bow and aim without squeezing and hold on target and build up my endurance and also retrain my brain to put the pin on the target. Hopefully within a month or two I can shoot through this. UGH... lol this is horrible and i would never wish target panic on anyone.

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