I'm not going to talk you out of anything, you want to shoot them I say go for it! I hunt the way I want to hunt and shoot what I want to shoot, and it makes me very happy doing so! Good luck brother!
Wow. I remember how much people raved over Rage heads last year and how lots of people shot them.. I was a skeptic for a long time, then I jumped on and killed 5 deer, dead as a door knob with em and my buddy killed 6 with em and never once had any of the issues mentioned in this thread. That's 11 deer shot and killed with these heads with no issues. I can't say i won't have issues, i can't predict the future, but as i shoot more deer with em the more i relax.
No truer words could be spoken. And.. if I had shot with you.. I would have been slinging my 2117's along with you.:d
Just try it Mo..everyone else is doing it, you want to be cool don't ya? I was a fixed blade guy too, One night I left the bow shop a little late. There was a guy under the burnt out street light in the alley. He got me by asking for a light..when I got close he showed me the 3 pack of Rages, I politely declined. As I back-peddled he threw one at my feet and said try it before you buy it. This ones on me. It was so sharp it cut through my Rocky Boots, as the steel blade drew blood from my pinky toe, I knew I was hooked! I have gone back to him several times for a "fix". I never truly saw his face, he was somewhat disguised...I'm not sure and I can't swear to it but I think I saw these initials on his Vietnam era dufflel-bag from which they came..those initials merely said.. D.M. !!! ???
Dubbya, my coolness is frickin EPIC! Everywhere I go, all I hear is "Now there goes one cool guy!" Greatness abounds bro. You know it, you've seen it, you want it too. It simply cannot be denied any longer. Just roll with it big guy, you're cool too you just haven't reached your full potential yet. But, you're still young, there's time.