Just out of pure stubborness, I decided a couple of years ago NOT to jump on the Rage bandwagon. I told myelf I'm just not going to do it. Great though they are.......I'm not gonna be like the vast majority and give in to it. But alas......I cannot deny their badassness anymore. They are, by FAR, our #1 selling broadhead at the shop. So......Unless somebody here can talk me out of it, I'll be shooting the 2 blade variety this fall. Is there something......ANYTHING.....negative anybody can come up with? Anything??
To be honest,I hated them."O"rings are a pain in the but and they are noisy as heck.They rattle in the quiver if you shoot with the quiver mounted to the bow and I could even hear some of them in flight. Does that help?:d
I killed two with Rage last year... 1st buck was a classic rage commercial, the deer literally was stone dead in 25yds.... The second buck was recovered, but two of the blades did not open and were still in the locked position upon recovery. I don't know what head I will use this year, but it won't be rage. Since Duke promotes G5 I may go that route.
Forgot about that. I am sure rubber bands would also quiet them down but in my case,I don't need the extra ke to open them being robbed.
1. I can get six slick tricks for for $44.00 or I can get three rages for $43.49 (including tax). 2. I never have to worry about my blades not opening or opening prematurely 3. I don't have to worry about them coming loose in my quiver 4. In the event of a shoulder shot, I KNOW that my... steel, single piece ferrule, and my .035" thick razor sharp blades will penetrate into the zone. 5. Moving parts are weaker and create more noise. 6. Last but not least, I'll never have to hear anyone say that I put a "rage in the cage." So, don't do it and we can still be friends, okay? :D
I've been using them a couple of years now and that's the only thing I can come up with. I do put a rubber band on mine for that reason and to keep them from opening in flight.(Just in case) I get mostly pass thrus with my set up and knowing yours you will too. I'll never talk anyone out of using them (unless they would be underbowed)but your not. Go for it and follow the blood trails!!
Blood Runners have three blades that are much sharper, and you don't have to worry about blades opening in flight or coming open in your quiver. Jump on the bandwagon now while there's still room. The Rage in the Cage b-dag train can't handle any more.
That's a classic mechanical argument, KE absorbed to open the blades. I think that's a moot point in the case of the Rage. By the time the blades get to the skin, they are fully deployed. Just by design alone I can't see how they would burn any KE during deployment. The blades opening in the quiver could be an issue for sure. I'm going to play around with that to see what I can come up with. I think if I cut the foam in the hood correctly, that won't be an issue. Gonna have to play with that......OR, I'll get an Octane quiver and be done with it. Have ya'll noticed yet, they have a "find your animal" guarantee? I'm not sure how I feel about that. They say if you shoot a deer w/ a Rage and don't recover it, you'll get your money back. I'm not sure how fond of that strategy I am. Seems to me that a. If you DO lose your animal, what good is your money back?? You STILL lost the animal, and that's not the animal's, nor the broadhead's, fault. and B. Doesn't that promote taking a poor shot?
Justin, I think you need an "Official Field Tester" for those, don't you? I do have to admit, I am intrigued by those. Dubbs......I've shot deer w/ Slick Trick. You will never hear me say anything negative about them, either. But here's the bad news......I'm killing 4 bucks this fall, and EVERY thread title will be "I put a Rage in the cage!"
You've made up your mind already. Me, I've watched too many videos of poor penetration, animals left over night and all that crap. Too many stories of lost animals etc etc with supposedly perfect hits. You NEVER... I say NEVER hear of a fixed head not working. Even GMMAT has sworn off the Rages after some lost deer and long tracks and deer found days or weeks later. Why would you want to jump on the band wagon just because you're selling them. TOO many people use the "They shoot like my field points" as a judge. Too many people have poorly tuned bows and these things fly OK from them. Then when the penetration isn't there they declare it a super deer NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING beats a well tuned bow and a fixed head. But hey, you've made up your mind because your shop sells a lot of them. I say it's time for some new salesmen.
So...........there has NEVER been a deer shot w/ a fixed blade head that wasn't found? There has NEVER been a deer shot w/a fixed blade head, out of a well tuned bow, that wasn't wounded? Come on now......You and I both know it's all about shot placement. My bow is tuned well, and will shoot fixed blade heads well. You find me a fixed blade head that flies like a field point AND has a 2" cut.........I'll jump right on it.
First shot. Waaaay too far back. Deer walked in a semi-circle past the hunter's stand, giving him another broadside shot. Shot two. Note, this shot was in and out the chest of this deer. The wound shown is the exit. This is where it gets weird. The deer runs off at the second shot. The hunter waits 2.5 hours before tracking the deer. The deer is still alive! How? I have no idea.. but it was. Maybe the blades didn't open right? Who knows?? Anyhow, the deer gets up and offers a quartering away shot to the hunter. On the third shot the blades open up, cutting a wide swath.. but then deflects off, never pentrating the cavity of the deer. The hunter catches up to the buck again and is finally able to put a killing shot into it. He also showed me video of a big buck he shot in the shoulder and got very little penetration. As far as I know he still swears by them. On the other hand, I've had friends and family swear that their dodges were the best things ever, even after replacing transmissions for the second time in 60K miles.
Because your only two friends (Dustin and I) say real men shoot 100% steel constructed heads that feature .035 thick blades....
You shooting them this year? I have seriously been thinking about it. I'll most likely be ordering some from this little website I know that has awesome prices and great customer service. I hear the owner is a class act, but his general manager is sort of a tool. :d