Exactly what I was going to say. You made a decision I wish most people would make. Congrats to you for a job well done. It's not easy making that decision, but it's the right one.
in my not so humble opinion the mistake you made was not practicing at 50,60,70 yds. with modern archery equip. the limitation is your confidence not equipment. No you have a goal for next season! :D
good decision. I hate when I hear bow if that would have been a big buck I would have tried it. Once again good choice.
the limitation is my confidence? My goal for next season is NOT going to be shooting a deer at 70yds, thats for sure. There is so much time for that deer to jump the string, who knows where the impact point will be even on a well shot arrow. Not that it matters, but my bow is sighted in at 60yds and I feel good about shooting at that distance...at foam...not a deer through the timber. Overconfidence leads to many wounded animals my friend, please try to be as ethical as you can.
There are many unethical shots taken under 25 yards. There are ethical shots to be taken at longer ranges if you know the difference. Distance is only one small factor and IMHO not the biggest one. Dan
Ok not to hijack the thread but I was watching the outdoor channel and this guy took a sheep at a claimed 90 yards. True I haven't bow hunted in awhile and I'm just getting back into it with new equipment. But really 90 yards can that even be right!?
There are deffinately guys out there that can make 90 yard shots. I have no idea what kind of hunter would attempt a 90 yard shot on a live animal. There are way to many factors at that distance to consider that even a marginal shot. Anyone attempting that shot would have a very hard time convincing me that it was a good choice or an ethical attempt.
I have shot balloons at 85 yards. But I would never Dream of shooting a live MOVING animal at 90 yards. I have a hard time taking the shot at 50 yards. But in my opinion to each their own. If they can live with themselves and the shot they take more power to them.
In my opinion i think you made the right choice personally because i am not comfortable taking that shot. Hopefully you get another chance at that boy good luck
No, I wouldn't have taken the straight away shot. However, if he was standing broadside at 55yds and not alert, I would have let the air out of him. That's just for me though. You know your abilities and if you thought that you could make the shot, you would have taken it. I've killed several deer at, around, or beyond that range, so I'm comfortable with it. I've never lost one either (knock on wood). The key to taking longer shots is the deer CAN'T be alert, or things could go south as soon as the arrow flys. Bottom line is, no one knows your abilities better than you. You can't go off of what others would do in that situation because everyone has different skill levels when it comes to shooting a bow. I think you made the right decision, if you were doubting whether or not you could make the shot, you probably wouldn't have been able to pull it off. When it comes to shooting a bow, confidence and your mental game plays a HUGE part.
Exactly because i know at 55 yards with me being nervous i wouldnt be able to make a good shot just dont have enough experience shooting at that distance everyone has their own limits this is what makes hunting different and exciting to everyone that there are no set rules its to your own morals, values, experience
If you passed on a 170 inch deer, it had to be the right decision. Thats true sportsmanship." Always have respect for the animals you hunt." There's always next time.
That shows an ethical hunter. Kudos to you!! There may be a second chance to take him. No second chances on bad shots.
Haha, yea OK !! I think you did the right thing. No matter what anyone else says, they were not there. Even if someone else here expresses how perfect of archer and hunter they are and how they would be holding bone right now, if you did not feel comfortable, you did the RIGHT THING. I commend you on being an ethical and smart hunter. I hope your actions are rewarded with this or even a BIGGER buck. Thanks for being a TRUE sportsmen !