hey guys, first of all i think this is the greatest web sites for a beginner hunter ever! If i need help on anything there is category for it. so basically i set up my first trail cam ever. and i put it right under on of my ladder stands. its pointed towards two spereate trails that meet togather, now i dont know if that was a good spot to put a camera or not. Do you guys have a certain thing to look for when setting up a camera? Also how long do you typically leave a camera out in the woods before you go and get the memory card?
Try and point your cams to the north or south to avoid sun glare. Clear vegitation-weeds that might block a good picture or in some cases possibly trigger the camera from movement. If mineral is legal in your area put some out and you will get alot of pics as the deer are hitting the mineral now. I check some of my cams about every 2 weeks because they are about 10 minutes from me and I can't wait.:d Others I might let go well over a month because they are about 70 miles from me. Make sure you post some pics when you get them.
Not much more to add than what janesburg said. Minerals are legal here mnbowhunter so put some of them out 10 yards in front of your cam. Put it on trails where deer are using alot and how often you check your card goes for how much memory and pics your camera takes. Good luck it is soo much fun!
im really excited. i will definatly be posting some pics when i get them. we have had some black bear in our area as well and that would be really neat to catch on camera!
mnbowhunter, Congrats on your first camera, I guarantee it won't be your last. Soon, you will be addicted like the rest of us. Blessings......Pastorjim
Deer are going to continue hitting the site year after year if you keep replenishing it. I generally put mine in a small open area just off a trail. Where ever you put it they will hit it. Don't know if there is a exact science to it although some guys may have a opinion. Good luck and I look forward to seeing your pics.