Not much of a story here. I have been hunting all season with no luck just does and small bucks. I have been seeing this buck on the trail camera, just never during daylight. I decided to move to another stand location a few hundred yards away. First night in the new stand I had a decent 8 walk by. Second night had 8 coyotes running all over the property chasing deer away. at 5:00 I saw this buck standing on a pond damn right next to my old stand. I grunted at him and he walked straight to me. A few minutes later and a 15 yard shot he was down. I just wanted to share my success with you all. This is a great site with lots of good stories and info.
Thats a beauty. Good choice moving the stand. Those damn coyotes are terrorizing around here also. Its time to start putting them down. *dreams* If only we could hunt coyotes with the AR.*dreams*