Trailer! :D On my way to Oregon last week I was driving along 90 in Wyoming (after I saw the clowns that were Antelope hunting in Gillette ) and this doe runs up out of a ditch, beside me and then thudump...into me. She grazed the rear fenderwell just leaving some hair but she plowed into the front corner of the trailer... I drug her out of the middle of the road just in case a bike or small car came along... This episode was followed by a BIG buck Mulie standing right in the middle of my lane about 50 miles later. This taught me two valuable lessons; There's a reason why there is no traffic on the interstate when it's dark in Wyoming. There's a reason why every other pickup and semi have cow (deer) catchers on the front of them.:D
Yikes!! I see allot of brush guards and such also when I'm out west elk hunting In Montana. There's car kills every where out there It seems.
Good thing you had a big rig! I hit a whitetail on a CBR 600rr motorcycle, I was one lucky SOB. My neighbor has a glass eye from a Whitetail here in MI going through his windshield. Glad to see you made it out of this one ok!