What do you guys prefer more, Tactacam or GoPro? I am looking to buy one, but not sure on which one to go with.
It all depends on what you're looking to accomplish. If you're looking for a great all-around action camera that can be used for other things besides hunting, and are okay with the shot footage being zoomed out, then GoPro. If you're looking for a weapon-mounted camera to capture the shot, then Tactacam is still your best option. Just realize that the shot footage is never going to be perfect due to the vibration of your bow/crossbow when you shoot. Their stabilization helps a ton, but it's never great. If you're okay with that going into it, you'll be a lot happier with the final outcome.
I use the GoPro hero 5 with the sportsman mount. I find there is a lot more versatility with the GoPro over the Tactacam.
I have also thought about purchasing a video camera to self film instead of using a tactacam or GoPro, as I’d be able to get better footage. However, I am a college student and money is limited due to that. Are there any good video cameras that you would suggest that are good quality, yet at a decent price?
In my opinion, the single biggest feature to look for in a camcorder for self-filming hunts is a LANC port for remote control. Without that one feature, things are a lot more difficult. The trouble is, most consumer camcorders don't have that port. You need to get into the prosumer/professional cameras to get that feature. Having said that, I'd look for a deal on a used camera on eBay, craigslist, etc. If you can pick up an older Canon XA10, G30, G40 or similar camera you'll be doing pretty good.