Unloaded a truck.. threw out my back! ... dang! Getting slow in my old age. Took it easy for a bit and was able to get a few sit ups done on the incline bench. Got some rest and things are getting better. Thank God! 6 Arrows 75 yards 4 Rounds Flat Shot well.
I would frame this! If I could like this post more I would! Just Awesome! Keep Shootin' ---------> SssssWACK!
Hutch glad to hear that. Shot 15 arrows at 25. Still getting used to new release. Rating B+ Shot 15 arrows in the garage at 20'. A- Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Havent shot in a couple weeks, so im going to tomorrow after reading your thread! Thanks for posting it!
That is Exactly why it is here. Got in a few more sit ups, things are looking up! 3 Arrows 75 yards Flat B+
Headed to see my Hoyt tech and have him do some final adjustments after getting a couple hundred arrows through the new Faktor this week. I hope I can leave without dropping another couple hundred on a new site or something.
Shot a bunch at 20 yards today. Not as good as I would have liked it to be but still working on sighting in the new bow so can't expect perfection with it yet I guess Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
5 rounds of 3 arrows at 15 yards in my basement. Trying out my new CE maxima reds. Sure like how they fly.
Well, I didn't get away unscathed from the bow shop. Ordered a different Axcel Vision. Getting a 4 pin green, red, green, red. Top two pins .019 and bottom two .010. Also fletching up some new FMJs. Im glad I don't have a wife to answer to!