One shot at 20, just to the left. Let me brother in law shoot. He's looking at getting one here soon. Sent from my SAMSUNG Infuse 4G
As I expected, when I got home "Dad lets go shoot our bows". No complaints from me though. I was tired so we only shot 10 arrows. I think I shot a 75 today. I shot from about 15 yards to 40.
I shot in my first 3d tournament this past weekend, shot a 362 outta 400. Woulda been higher but they didn't utilize the 12 ring. I enjoy those more than spots, but spots are better practice. League night tomorrow night.
Three rounds three shots each. 60, . 50 and 20 (no picture). Better at the longer distances than expected. Par for 20. I did pull the last arrow that round. Sent from my SAMSUNG Infuse 4G
Added an orange square to mu target this morning. Shoot 50, 30 (kneeling), 60, 20 (kneeling), 50 and 40 (both seated). Shot pretty good for mixing it up like that. Sent from my SAMSUNG Infuse 4G
Great Job Brothers!!! Working mans blues over here...long days and late nights. Keep Shooting! -----> SsssWACK!
Was looking at shooting a little today but the weather has us on the inside. So instead I'm figuring out licenses and tag applications, a budget and catching up on some work. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
We shot several arrows today. Just shooting at dots working on my sons form. He'll stick one where it needs to go and then stick one to the right. Cant figure out why he's shooting to the right on some of his shots. I'm sure he has something to do with his form but I couldn't see it today. We also built another target. I stuffed a feed sack with cut out netting. Worked like a charm! I shot good. 6 more months till season!
Went to the range yesterday with my full pack. Shot myself to pieces and got some hiking in on the trail course. On the lower base range I spent some time on the 100 yard target and shot it from 105 yards for awhile. I took and wore my pack all day and shot with it on. This pic was right before I finished for the day. I did overshoot the target and lost one arrow out there. I don't think that I will shoot without a loaded pack on. To many benefits not to.
Yes. Shot ok with the compound. Shot 5 shots each at 20,30,40,50 and 60. 20 and 30 was great then it spread from there. Got the recurve and long bow out and shot 5 each at 20,40,60 and 80...60 and 80 for the lulz. 20 and 40 for serious bidness. I'll probably shoot like that every weekend until it gets closer to season then I'll shoot 2 arrows a day until I hunt at 20 and 40. My daughter shot for awhile..she shot probably 30 arrows today from 15 to 25 yards. She did great and is coming along nicely...she'll be in stand late Oct for sure.