I have plenty of hand power tools, so a table saw will definitely be my first major stationary piece of equipment I purchase (probably not until the winter). I have my eyes on a few particular models (particularly cabinet/hybrid models), but I was curious to see what you guys are rockin:d GregH, I know you're a woodworker, so let's see some pictures of your shop
Ive got a Ryobi portable. Not sure how much it cost, my dad bought it and I pretty much had my way with it :d. It does everything I ask it to!
I've got this little guy, I'm not sure if it's exactly the same model because mine only cost me $80.00 http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?Itemnumber=97896
Sometimes its more about the BLADE not the saw. I have a cheaper Delta $150 model, and it's great for what I need it to do, but it was much better after I put a GOOD blade on it.
I have a pretty nice craftsman from when they were made by Rigid. After that they were made by Ryobi. I'm not sure who makes them now?
Yep. I'm looking at cabinet/hybrids primarily because of their fully contained motors and dust collection. My workshop is going to hopefully stay pretty clean, and I don't want dust getting up into the house. Most likely a nice Forrest WWII blade will go on whatever I get.
I just sold this one. Now I use a small Ryobi table top model. My shop-barn-garage is only 600 sq ft. I needed the room so the saw was sacrificed.
I have the basic sears Crafstman 10" with the extendable table extensions for larger objects. It serves me just fine. I got it on sale for around $179.00 it was originaly over $200.00 I had a black & decker for many years and pretty much wore it out. When it flew out the back of my truck while making a corner, i decided it was time to retire it :d
That looks exactly like mine Dan, though it may be a tad bigger since I didn't pay that much for mine? I was actually sort of joking in my first response about me having such a "cheap" table saw, but actually it's served my around-home needs just fine -- especially for the price.
I think i paid more for the table size and the extension pull outs. your right, for what we do it wirks just fine!
10" Dewalt ~ portable w/stand, it's a tad more expensive @ $500, but it depends how you view your tools and the age old saying of "you pay for what you get"... I built my whole house, plus 5 more as a hobby. So for me, it wasn't just for a few home projects, that's why I choose a more rugged and powerful unit. Also keep in mind that, the better the tool, the easier too use for a novice!
I have a Craftsman as well... and a really sweet Craftsman sliding compound! Probably my two favorite tools!
Table saw? I work in the field.. I have many circular saws that get the job done just fine. I can rip 10' of wood with the best of them.
Nice, guys. Surprised nobody has a cabinet saw. They have quite the fanboy following on the woodworking forums (a lot like Hoyt guys on AT or BT guys on here :D). I may end up with a contractor saw, and use the money saved on a good biesemeyer fence and a WWII blade. Dubbya, I scored a free Craftsman CM, but I want to get a more stationary sliding CM, and use this one for portable jobs. What model do you have?