Vacation week of 11/09, muzzleloader season will be closed for a week then. Should be good except the moon is full on the 13th. Might be really good or they might just run at night, we'll see. I usually take the next week off but one of my fellow employees got it this year!@#$%^&* Only week he could do what he needs to do. He gets to go to Hawaii and ride back to San Diego on the Ronald Reagan Carrier that his bro in law is stationed on. Didn't have the heart to pull rank on him. lp
Dagnabit Crik!, I'm getting wound up with you! Wish I had something planned this yr. My plans to go away this weekend fell thru. Only gun season in nov for 4 days w/my son (first time out in the big woods up north for him). Go whack one & post asap her buddy.
WOW, I hunt a lot and I am jealous, that's almost three straight weeks. I wish I could get that kind of time. Good luck, and as said by in da woods, STAY SAFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!