I am not a fan of Swacker, I had problems with them. On impact the 2 smaller blades would open back and damage the insert in the arrow shaft and one time it cracked the arrow shaft. I think with 2 smaller blade opening over the arrow shaft and a higher KE bow the blades were opening to hard and damaging my arrows and the broadhead. IDK if anybody else ever had this problem?
Swhackers is all I use anymore LOVE them. I killed 5 this year with they and 3 fell in the tracks...lol. Two ran about 40 yards. The blood trails are unreal. The Blade might bend....but they don't break off like a lot of others I have used. If they break they won't cut. In 20 years of bowhunting...these are the best performing mechanical I have used. The 60lbs of KE they say is for the 125gr. 2.25" cut.
Not according to their web site. They do not distinquish which heads need 60 ft/lb ke. This is important info as these heads are not a good fit for everyone. If you get into the question and answer section, it does state you could use a 45# bow with the 1.75 cut. Only broadside and small deer with nothing but ribs in the way. That doesn't sound very promising. http://www.swhacker.com/swhacker-products Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using Tapatalk
Tech Specs | Swhacker Broadheads clink on link above and scroll down. Kinetic Energy Here is a listing of our three broadheads and the minimum amount of kinetic energy your bow needs to produce to properly use Swhacker Broadheads. 100-grain, 1 3/4-inch cut 50 ft. lbs. of kinetic energy 100-grain, 2-inch cut 55 ft. lbs. of kinetic energy 125-grain, 2 1/4-inch cut 60 ft. lbs. of kinetic energy
I'll stick with my magnus buzzcuts. There are no stipulations on them. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using Tapatalk
"A half decent shot in the liver/guts".....does that exist? A lethal and HIGH PERCENTAGE shot with a bow involves an animal quartered away or broadside with a shot through the lungs, heart, or both. Never ever ever ever would I consider a "decently" placed arrow one that hits liver and guts. IMO there aren't "decent" shots in bowhunting. There's either kill shots, or shots that shouldn't be taken. No amount of cutting diameter, chisel tip, fixed blade, mechanical, COC tip or any other broadhead feature is going to help you recover deer if your making "decent" shots in the liver and guts. I'd spend more time at the range learning to tune my setup so I can confidently hit heart and lungs, and less time on the forums claiming that gut shots with shwackers are acceptable.
I don't find the acceptable moron. I have never made a shot like that but sometimes bad shots happen. Every deer I have ever shot has been lungs or heart. But bad shots happen to everyone and don't act like you're the best bow hunter in the world. Becasue you're not sorry. Sometimes bad shots happen and a good broad head can help that
And don't tell me to spend more time at the range becasue I'm sure I shoot just as much as you if not more . I literally shoot any chance that I can get. So please stop telling me how to prepare for hunting. I'm well informed. Thank you very much.
And yes I haven't made a shot like this becasue I'm young but eventually when or if the time comes and I do make a bad shot I hope that I have a broadhead that can help with the poor shot
I've gotten more simple in my broadhead selection. Give me a sharp two blade fixed head and I am ready to hunt.
What brand and model do you use? I've always found the two blade fixed heads interesting but I never know which ones work well
Or I should say which ones have you had luck with. I'm sure the majority of them work well considering they are fixed
Wow, pahunter you seem a little frustrated with my comments. I apologize for stating how I feel, and for upsetting you but my opinion remains that a gut shot/liver shot is not, as you put it a "decent" shot. I don't want to beat a dead horse here but let's do a quick review of what you stated: liver and guts are a decent hit. Also, that a good broadhead like shwackers can help you to later pick up a blood trail on those "decently" hit deer. My main concern here is that you called liver and guts decent. I'm dumbfounded by that comment. I don't think that large expandable broadheads should be used as a crutch for poor shooting. We owe it to our quarry to aim above mediocrity in our shooting. FYI there won't be much blood to follow with a gut shot. No head will help with that. I'm happy that it sounds like you practice a lot and make clean kills on your animals. I'm glad you are better than decent. As far as me portraying myself in the previous post as "the best bowhunter in the world," I don't think I came across that way at all. I'm new to this sport and am constantly trying to learn. I have been lucky enough in my first few years to kill a lot of deer and a couple of those being big bucks. So, I'm not the best in the world by any means, but Ron Burgundy told me I was an easy vote for top 20. Take it for what it's worth.
I said half decent. Decent is not a great shot. Great and decent have two different meanings if you didn't know! And I said half decent. Which is totally different. And the liver is not a good shot but it is a kill shot if you give the deer time. And obviously the guts are not a decent shot at all but if you hit the liver there is a good chance you will hit parts of the guts. So once again I said half decent because I wasn't going to say awful because the liver is still a kill shot when given enough time. Hitting the guts alone isn't a decen shot but I was referring to hitting the liver and guts with the same shot. It happens and it will kill the deer. I said half decent not great please understand that. And once again this isn't an ideal shot to hit a deer but it happens because that's bowhunting
But I refuse to sit here and argue with you. You are entitled to your opinion and so am I. I would be sick to my stomach to make a shot like that but it happens. Sorry you took it the wrong way because I don't think of that as a good shot
Than why not go with one that can make the deepest and hardest hitting impact through bad shot possibilities? Like a heavy hitting single beveled broadhead...science backs them...testing backs them...they don't flinch at a rib and have been tested going through not just one but both shoulders... I don't knock broadheads one way or the other because as others have said you put any broadhead where you should it will kill them swiftly...but when discussing broadhead choices by the mention of possible bad "shots" or bad "impacts" I have a little issue with people than steering towards mechanicals. Mechanical broadheads by nature due to their design are limited on strength and durability, I mean they have moving parts obviously. So if on the outside chance a bad shot/impact occurs and you hit a bone (shoulder/leg to shoulder knob or such) which would make the most sense a mechanical one that if it makes it through the blades 9 times out of 10 are ripped off and gone; if not the entire head...or some of the sturdy stronger than snot broadheads out there which will blast through? Now you may be saying, "But I'm talking bad shot/impacts like a liver or such..." Okay, pretty sure that type of shot any single broadhead on the market will blast through a liver or gut...and basic anatomy rules and field experience from countless hunters proves if given time they expire and usually closer than most realize that push the deer prematurely. Swhacker undeniably work, as does any head. But if discussion of how they are "better" (opinion) because of their performance in case of bad shots/impacts I don't think one can focus on the softest of bad shots/impacts to justify their point. Personally I'm not a mechanical fan, and hope to switch to single beveled heads as soon as I can justify the cost...however I currently use a fixed 4 blade head which even I'll admit while proven strong wouldn't be as good as a forged single beveled head through bone. Congrats on the great year you had, and the confidence you gained in a new head...that confidence thing is a big ingredient to hunting success. *edited to remove rib from my one bone statement...it is obvious to any bowhunter with experience that if your broadhead gets mangled or broken by simply hitting a rib you probably should shoot something else.
"So if on the outside chance a bad shot/impact occurs and you hit a bone (rib/shoulder/leg to shoulder knob or such) which would make the most sense a mechanical one that if it makes it through the blades 9 times out of 10 are ripped off and gone; if not the entire head...or some of the sturdy stronger than snot broadheads out there which will blast through?" - False. One of the reasons I shoot Swhackers over other broadheads is the fact that they usually do not even bend and I have never had one break. I have not killed 10 deer with a Swhacker, but I have killed 4 and I am 4 for 4 without them breaking. I have had worse luck with fixed heads that I have to put together falling apart when hitting bone.