I watched it numerous times as well, couldn't agree more. Brady didn't have a look of disbelief on his face for nothing after missing it. Game changer.
I think Brady was just scared of getting smashed after he made the catch so he really didn’t give it all he had. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Yep, the "Brady isn't a receiver" excuse hopds no merit. That was not a busted play improvisation, but a practiced play to utilize in such a situation. The play was there, the ball was a bit high and Brady flat out missed it. Can't really compare it to Foles TD catch as it was more of a wildcat play. Direct snap to the back with Foles lined up as a receiver/tight end. I was actually surprised that one worked as well as it did, was pretty obvious. When he touched the lineman to signal the back to call for the snap I'm betting it was an option play. Take a delay hoping for an offside or snap it if the defensive formation looked right. Foles seen something he liked and called for the play with the tap. Brady's play, if I remember correctly was a fake end around so there was more to its execution.
This whole deal with Josh not leaving is starting to stink. 15 hours of meetings over two days. Noted that Josh was taking the QB coach and another position coach with him to Indy. What does this foreshadow? What if the intent was to make Josh the coach after Bill and Josh knew this but when the Colts called Bill devised a plan that told Josh to go with it and he got the job Most of Josh's assistants are all ready signed and now he pulls out. Pay back to the Colts who "exposed" the deflated footballs.
Within 2-3 years he will have complete control in New England. He tried leaving for Denver unsuccessfully once already right? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Did he not win a playoff game with Tim Tebow? That's a feat, considering the highest paid NFL QB Mathew Stafford has not even won a playoff game.
He had to of been promised the coaching job in New England when Bill retires. No team is going to hire him after this. Not as a head coach at least.
Espn's Mike reiss is resporting that Bill told Josh that he would take him under his wing and let him "in" to his coaching ways, salary, roster management. I'm sure there was also talk of finding the next QB. I think next year is Belichik's last year. Brady might stay a few more years to train the next man up. Bill Belichik wants to leave NE in good shape when he leaves, unlike Parcells did. The two Belichik kids in the NE coaching system will be ready to step up as well by then.
Catching up since I am in Punta Cana this week. I was very surprised to see an offensive penalty agasinst the Pats. Also think JM is the next coach of the Pats. Also think he is completely out of his mind to want that. The next coach could win 2 SBs over the next 10 years and not be good enough. Bad move. Matt Compound bow Carbon arrows Fixed broadheads
He tried leaving for Denver unsuccessfully once already right? I beg to differ on what you actually said, he left successfully had a guaranteed contract and was fired. So that is not an unsuccessful effort at leaving. He failed upon leaving but he did leave successfully. Details but details are important.
The parade crowd is growing to never seen proportions here in Philly!! I just hope they continue to act respectfully. We waited a very long time for this moment to come to Philly. We LOVE OUR EAGLES!!!!!!!
Yeah the Eagles fans are now gracious winners and will cease acting like jackasses. Is the horse crap eating clown going to be there on a float? The tax payers of Minnesota want the seat back.
People in Hell want ice water. You sound like a typical losing Minnesota fan. We ate you guys for lunch, then spit you back out! Turn your TV on and you'll see what a real football team looks like.