New Jersey has no hunting on Sundays. What states do? Most people can only hunt on the weekends due to work. This used to be the case for me, but now my schedule has changed. Anyway, sitting home on a sunday in the rut KILLS ME! It is such a waste of a perfect day. I can understand no gun hunting on Snday because people want some peace and quiet. Also, I can understand no public land bowhunting on Sunday because hikers want to utilize the land as well. However, what about private land bowhunting on Sunday? Where's the problem in that? Finally, after many years of legislation, the bill is in congress. I hope it goes through! Are any other states in the same process of adopting Sundays?
Virginia is a no Sunday hunting state. I don't like it a bit. At the very least people should be able to hunt on private lands on Sundays.
I usually reserve Sunday for family day, but if the weather is right I'm hunting! I find it hard to believe that state's still have a no sunday hunting law. Crazy. A fellow busts his ass for 6 days and then can't go out and hunt? It's really a shame.
I can't agree more you guys. Plus, the deer population is extremely dense in New Jersey, it might even be the highest in the country. We are allowed to harvest as many does as we want to. That's right, unlimited "bag-limit", but no Sundays allowed. Got me?!!
Some of West Virginia is open to hunting on Sundays. I believe they left it up to each county to decide. Most southern Bible thumping counties have dropped it. What I don't understand is that urban archery is closed on the weekend. If they are trying to reduce the population inside the city, wouldn't you think that they would allow you to hunt on the days that most people have off?