This is what I was afraid of. Everyone was thinking that just because the Wildlife Committee "adopted" the proposals it was law but actually the Rules Review Committee has the final say.
Jeff, you are correct. They heavily contested the crossbow proposal and the proposal that was taking 1 week from the bow only season. They found a loop hole that has only postponed the crossbow proposal and maybe the proposal concerning losing a week of bow only but what concerns me is that the other groups followed suit and held back the Sunday hunting as well. The other proposals will probably happen next year but I am more concerned about the Sunday issue. The NCBA is really battling it out right now with the NC Wildlife Commission. Alot of political crap going on and I'm not sure I trust either side. I may get blasted on here for this but I have never joined the NCBA for a few reasons and I don't think I will be joining in the future. I have been surprised at some of the things I have heard. This problem was what I was talking about when I sent you that pm a few weeks ago concerning the Rules Review Committee. I was concerned about it then but the folks I talked with said they really did not think the Sunday issue was going to be one of the proposals to be appealed. I guess we'll see what happens next.