For the love of all that is still cool in bowhunting...I suggest next year we have ONE "I got a text thread" that new text message receivers can update, similiar to our "Live from the stand" thread. Fitz, please...make this happen. Sincerely, guy who has spent more time on here then anyone else and has now deemed all "I got a text" threads lame and
I betcha I receive more texts then most people here. Do you see me creating teaser threads? Hell I had to remind everyone the proper way of doing it because they were clueless on protocol!
I agree. the first few of the season are cool and gets everyone pumped up, but now it's the rut it's kinda.....well........
I agree, been "outta da loop" all my life...mostly cause I am hard to rope and not easy to handle...reading these guess threads wears me out, personally,...but do agree - playing devils advocate - that there could be a box to put this in. I am not a texter, email or phone work fine and otherwise - not available... in a nut shell, I perceive this as Cut to the Meat of It and show your hand. - my two cents.
Says the man who's started 12 teaser threads this year I shall deem you the official "Teaser Thread Tramp"
I'm sure the sponsors or future sponsors of this site really enjoy coming into the forums and reading pages of I got a text or I got a phone call threads. They are very helpful.