I'm swithing back to fixed BH's this year after shooting mechanicals foor the past 6 seasons. I've only used Muzzy 3 blade 100grs and Razorback 5's over 20 years ago. I'm looking for something strong that won't break the bank. I'm also outfitting 2 sons with archery equipment, so don't recommend Silver Flames.:d
I plan on moving back to fixed heads as well. The G5 Stryker is the head I'm looking at. I shot a turkey with it two seasons ago and she dropped. It has impressed me so far
Your best bet is going to be Muzzy's or thunderhead then....cant beat 6 head for $30 and replacement blades. They gotta work cuz look how many people use them.
Well to me I use 3 blade 100gr Muzzys and think they are second to none. Cheap and available EVERYWHERE even Walmart. No brainer to me.
3 Blade Magnus Snuffers (my BH of choice) or anything made by Magnus. Lifetime warranty on all Magnus BH's.
I've used Muzzy, THunderheads and a host of others all the way back to the old Bear Razorbacks. Right now I'm shooting the Shuttle T 125 grain. They are the best flying fixed broadhead I've ever shot. Not the sharpest out of the box but cut a whicked hole and always seem to be sticking in the ground on the other side of the deer. I blew right through a shoulder blade on a nice Ohio buck last year(close range) and also shot right through a NY buck at 40 yards. My bow is only shooting around 260 fps.
what is the differences between a muzzy four blade and a muzzy three blade obviously the blades but anything else
Considering both of your boys will be shooting them (which means you'll probably go through quite a few of them) I'd stick with either Thunderheads or Muzzy 3-blades. Like everyone said, they're both affordable, you can find them anywhere, and are time-tested and proven. Can't go wrong with either IMO.
I have used Wasp, Thunderhead,slick trick and Muzzy fixed heads in the past and all were good heads.. I have more kills with Muzzy 4 blade 90 gr than any other head, however, Rage did kill 5 this yr and it looks like it will be more next season, but if I were to go back to a fixed head, Muzzy would be it. Slicks just had too much rattle in the blade for me, Wasp were good, thunderheads were just that, Thunder. But Muzzy never let me down when placed right on a deer. but that could be with any head.
Ditto, I love the magnus line of heads! Good quality one piece heads with a lifetime warranty! Look into the Snuffer SS, you might like em'!