i wasn't exactly sure where to post, so i just made a new topic (sorry). well, in order to graduate from my high school, we need to do a research project. mine is about hunting and deer populations and what effect it has on public health. there's quite a bit that i still don't understand about hunting and the site's that my ES&T teacher have been reccomending haven't really helped all that much. so i was wondering if i could talk to a few of you and ask you some questions so i can get a better understanding. so please pm me with anything that you think that will help, even if you think it's only something minor, it'll be a great help to me. thanks
Ask your questions here on the forum and you will probably receive many responses. I will do my best to answer in a helpful manner as long as the questions appear legitimate.
well one question i had was from reading the "is mass a good indicator of age?" topic by Siman08/OH. i honestly didn't know what you guys were talking about other than the fact that they were antlers(and i feel really embarrased/stupid for not being able to figure it out). but Mass? split brows? kickers? extra tines?
CaitlynJones, When someone is talking about Mass it is the antlers they are talking about, antlers are what bucks have on there heads some call horns but they are antlers. Mass is how big around the antlers or diameter where young bucks will have skinny antlers older bucks antlers will most likeley get more Mass or bigger. Spitbrow tines, When you hear that the very first point from the base of the antlers or closest to the bucks head is a brow tine and when you hear of a split browtine it is just that one browtine that spits into two browtines.. Kickers= are little points that come off the base of an antler below the browtines or off of other tines on a buck. a tine is a point that a buck will have like and 8pt or 10pt.. I will post a picture for you of a buck that is a main frame 8pt with kickers at the bottom and kickers off the tines.. Hope this helps.. Walt
These informational sites may be just what your'e looking for. VA has an outstanding wildlife website http://www.mwcog.org/uploads/pub-documents/y1lYWA20061030150157.pdf http://www.dgif.virginia.gov/wildlife/deer/suburban.pdf http://www.dgif.virginia.gov/wildlife/deer/
thanks stikbow26! makes sense now and alphakilla, thanks a bunch! those sights are really helpfull! =D
If i could show you guys my powerpoint presentation i would (if you were interested) but i'm not sure how. but i present next monday. i'm really nervous. i hope i do well. and this is a quote from a magazine that sparked my whole project "The great irony is that many species might not survive at all were it not for hunters trying to kill them. All the wings provided to Norman Saake and his colleagues throughout the country come from hunters, who fold them into prepaid envelopes, record the date and place of harvest, and mail them in. It is but one example of how the nation’s 12.5 million hunters have become essential partners in wildlife management. They have paid more than 700 million dollars for duck stamps, which have added 5.2 million acres to the National Wildlife Refuge System since 1934, when the first stamps were issued. They pay millions of dollars for licenses, tags, and permits each year, which helps finance state game agencies. They contribute more than 250 million dollars annually in excise taxes on guns, ammunition, and other equipment, which largely pays for new public game lands. Hunters in the private sector also play a growing role in conserving wildlife." and the link: http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2007/11/hunters/poole-text.html
i presented today! i thought that i was going to do very badly but i guess i was wrong. there were three teachers grading it and they said that i was going to get either a B+ or A-! also, i get to keep working on it even though im done. i've taken a huge interest in deer hunting and what effects(positive ones of course:d ) it has on our environment. there's also the possibility that i may be getting a job out of this today is a good day
Great job. That's so cool. I want to ask, what grade are you in. My daughter is in 6th and her name is Caitlyn too.
Thank you =] well, i've been trying to get in touch with a friend of mine in the information technology shop to see if he can help me out. ill let you know =]
thanks! ^-^ and i'm having trouble uploading my powerpoint presentation to the internet. so i was thinking if i still can't get it on here then i could burn it to a disk for whoever would like it. i've got too many blank disks at home anyways =]